
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Sudzy, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Sudzy

    Sudzy Forerunner

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    Hey it’s been a while forgehub but I’m back with another map for you guys. Origin is my first halo 4 map and is located off the cliff face of ravine right above the hard kill zone over the water. The map is named origin because the entire map fans out from a single origin point. This point is in the purple building, and outside of that there are two more rings that follow the general curvature of the purple building around a 60 degree fan. In some aspects, Origin is structurally akin to Haven in that it has large sweeping pathways that offer a great mixture of medium and long range LOS. The focal point of the map is the central death pit. It is the second ring or three and is spanned by many bridges, jumps, and mancannons on either end that allow unique player movement in a large slingshot arch around the purple building. Origin has been a challenge to build in that every piece has a difference of 5 degree yaw in order to create the curved geometry. That being said, so far working on Origin has been a rewarding endeavor and the geometry of the map produced so far I believe is incredibly unique.

    As of right now, Origin is about 75% complete so these pictures are absolutely subject to change.


    This is a closer look at the central death pit. It is spanned by 2 glass bridges and the main bridge 4 block lengths below them. Getting the chasm proportional was a challenge because the farther from the origin you go the wider each piece constructing the walls had to be. The inside arch or the purple building is made of 2 block length brace larges and exactly 4 block lengths away at all times the 2.5 length bridge larges make up the outside arch of the death pit. It came together really nice and the mancannons on either end make a really interesting slingshot launch from one end of the chasm to the other. In an upcoming overhead shot, you will see that the mancannons launch path is curved. When launched, the player travels over all the bridges to the courtyard on the opposite side.


    Some shots showing the two courtyards at either end of the death pit. These are still being worked on for the third ring but everything facing the purple building is basically complete. Stairs lead up to the second floor and two first floor curved paths link both outer courtyards to the atrium of the Purple building.


    Here is the inside of the Purple Building I have been talking so much about

    As you can see the inside of the purple building is totally enclosed and curved. This is the most cramped area of the map and even then there is plenty of room for medium range battles. The origin block is right underneath the purple light in the central structure. Stairs connect to the upper level of the building, one stair case is neat and the other is in a cave and curved.

    Everything from here on out is in progress. This is the third and outermost ring. Some final things to finish up are the transitions from both courtyards to the third ring. Also, I need to figure out the best way to set up base structures for team games.


    Here is the confusing overview shot

    So thanks everyone for your time and as always comments and questions are appreciated. I hope to be finishing this up soon!
  2. AssaultCommand

    AssaultCommand Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is, by far, the best friggin' map preview I have ever seen.
    This map seems unique in every way and I'm completely honest when I say that I will download this as soon as you release it and will play it until it breaks.
  3. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    Whoa.... Just looking at the pics just catches my attention.This map looks bueatiful. Especially the purple room. I will give it a DL and check it out.
  4. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks amazing, I know how time consuming it is to build everything with a slight curve is. One of my wip I did that on, and it took forever to line everything up for it to be symmetrical. I would love to join in on any testing just add me, Knight of 0rder. The "O" in Order is a zero.
  5. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    agree with the others. this has some really nice looking architecture from the pics. how it all fits together into a playable level, well I'll have to play on it first. 10/10 on architecture, though :D

    add me up if you want.
  6. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    yeah the architecture looks really nice. I'd spice up the dark indoor area with hidden white lights probably but that goes for any indoor area usually that doesn't have much dynamic lighting. looks really good.
  7. Sudzy

    Sudzy Forerunner

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    Thanks for the words of encouragement guys :)

    @AssualtCommand: thank you it is really encouraging to hear!

    @forgewolf007: The purple room was really fun to make and Im glad you like the look of it! If anyone wants to have a look around, I'll put the current WIP on my fileshare.

    @Kinght of 0rder: Thanks, and testing will be a ways away however I will do my best to remember

    @JKaddict: that is absolutely my biggest challenge with what remains to be done. Making everything meld together into a single flowing play space is critical to me.

    @Starship Ghost: Actually i have been working with the lighting in the purple room lately. I like the idea of the white lights, however I am short on money and there is already a purple light so 3 might be a little much in one building ... However, I did add windows where some of the roof in the top pictures was so it looks a little better in there now....
  8. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    I see a lot of purple used in the map. I guess you're trying to go for a Covy theme? IDK, but damn this map looks fabulous. How's gameplay, I'm sure you had some focus into it.

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