CATHEDRALBy: RegardlessDolan Description Cathedral is the sweet, sweet lovechild of Halo 3's Narrows and a bunch of original ideas that I've been messing around with since Reach came out. It started off as a simple Narrows remake for the Forgotten Treasures contest, but ended up as so much more. Like the name of it's predecessor suggests, Cathedral is a very narrow map, featuring but a single 2-tier bridge connecting each side of the map. Each main base of the map also houses a mancannon that will shoot you into the center of the map. The center of the map also has 2 mancannons, 1 leading to each main base. This system really makes the middle of the map the focal point for action in a game. Combine this with an Energy Sword spawn at top-middle, and this spot becomes that special place that every guy wants to put their spartan in. To avoid constant chaos, and to give more routes of movement to the player, an elbow has been created connecting each main base with the bottom-middle. on the opposite side of each elbow, a small ramp is in place for quick access to the top-middle as well. These serve to make the top middle much less of a choke point than they would otherwise be - something that I feel was a large problem with Narrows. Additionally, a one-way shield and grav lift can take you from bottom-mid to top-mid instantly, providing even more ways to enter top-mid, making defending that area very, very hard. Back at each main base is a main structure that houses a Sniper Rifle. These act to balance out the Energy Sword and various areas for CQC on the map, adding in a med-long range battle as well. Lines of sight have been substantially blocked to prevent the Snipe from being overpowering, and the center bridge has been given a curve to make shooting from one end to the other impossible. While Cathedral is great fun for Team Slayer, CTF really stands out among the rest on this map. Throughout my testing, people have consistently said that CTF is hands-down the most fun gametype on this map, and I have to agree. Don't take my word for it though; give it a download and try it out with your friends! Weapons x1 Energy Sword (180 respawn) x2 Sniper Rifle (180 respawn - 1 spare clip) x2 Needler (90 respawn - 1 spare clip) x2 DMR (60 respawn - 2 spare clips) x2 Battle Rifle (60 respawn - 2 spare clips) x2 Plasma Pistol (30 respawn) x4 Frag Grenade (45 respawn) x4 Plasma Grenade (45 respawn) x4 Pulse Grenade (45 respawn) Screenshots Overview Main Base - Inside Main Base - Outside Bottom-Middle Top-Middle >DOWNLOAD<
I miss Narrows as well, and I believe this is a great alternative to it. I love the lift with the shield to get you from the bottom middle to the top. I'll play this map sometime this weekend.