ANCONBy: RegardlessDolan Description Welcome to Ancon, a medium sized symmetrical map that's sure to leave you satisfied every time or your money back!* Ancon is the culmination of many hours spent forging, and my incessant need to multi-task while watching TV. The end product is a map that not only looks clean, but plays very well. Ancon is best suited for FFA matches or larger sized team games. It'll work for a game like Doubles, but it might be a bit slow (Like my cousin Jeremy). The inside of the map offers little room to move around, but lots of points to drop down out of a battle. This.....this creates....Know what? I'm tired, and you only care about the screenshots anyways. Enjoy. Screenshots Green Base Main Base Connecting Hallways Weird-looking Overview >DOWNLOAD<
This is an interesting way to do a symmetrical map, I haven't seen that before. something about it reminds me of avalanche from halo 3. From what I can see from the pictures it looks like the outer edge of the corner would have a disadvantage, or might not get much play. I don't know how to fix that, but I also don't know if it's really a problem.
Actually, in my testings, I've found green base to be the area that everyone tries to hold down as it has a height advantage and a power weapon spawn.