Vandelay Vandelay is a mid-sized, symmetrical map designed especially for CTF, king of the hill and team slayer, but also supporting FFA and other game modes comfortably. It has a design mildly inspired by the stretched-out, end-to-end gameplay of Elongation from Halo 2 (or Longest from CE, if you're as ancient as me). It plays fast and intense, lending itself to very close flag games where many runs are nailbiters. It also makes use of the forerunner structure on Ravine in what I've been told is a creative and eye-pleasing manner, both of which are - as we all know - not exactly easy to pull off. Download link Get it here Weapons/ordnance - railgun (2 min) - sticky detonator (2 min) - SAW (2 min) - energy sword (2 min) - pulse grenades (60 sec) Screenshots
Thanks sir, hope you like it. I'm going to update the CTF respawn zones tonight per a suggestion from MrGreenWithAGun - that update will hit my fileshare this evening at some point, so you might re-download late tonight or tomorrow. EDIT: Updated with fixed respawn zones for CTF, and a change to the lifts to make them work a bit better.
Just downloaded this. Like I mentioned in the Preview thread, you showed me this map in its extremely early stages and I expressed my interest in it. I'm glad it's finally finished. The map itself looks wonderful. I'm surprised to see that the Forerunner structure complements the Forge pieces well, after so many complaints about the Forge palette on Ravine not matching the in-built structures. I like how you've flipped the 4x4 blocks to aid players in distinguishing between the top and bottom levels, as well as the unique grav-lifts that make you drop before propelling you into the air. I also like how you've included the Large Braces inside the Forerunner bit to make it feel more technologically advanced with regards to aesthetics. It's a shame I can't sign up to TCOG on Tuesdays because I'd really like to play this sometime. But anyway, good job.
I'm really loving how you combined your own structure into the pre-existing structure on the map. The map looks clean and from the pictures, I see no flaws. Good job!'ve integrated the Forerunner structure. I didn't know one could accomplish that and make it look good with the forge pieces not matching. Here it looks like it matches and it's beautiful. Awesome work.
Good work getting this finished and released. It works great for all the gametypes it supports, download it everyone. Its worth it.
Thanks guys. I'm pleased this has ended up being a fun map and one that apparently people like, because it started with an idea I thought was 99% certain not to work.
A concept that I have seen attempted once, but you actually pulled it off. Nice job! Also: The Latex Salesman (Seinfeld) - YouTube
I would like to see a version with this area more open, and the teleporter being two way instead of one way
That was tested a while back, and I found the one-ways preferable. Two-ways often led to teleporter camping and other unpleasing shenanigans. Especially with oddball.
Yeah, that's exactly why they're one-way. For most maps I think two-way teleporters just promote annoying tactics. And one-ways can also be better for map flow, depending on the design. The center room is meant to be more of a CQC zone, really the only one on the map as most of the other areas have longer lines of sight.
This map looks awesome! Simple but aesthetic... I'll test it tonight to see how it plays =) Maybe you can take a look at my maps too? Just message me at xbox live if you want to get invited to my lobby ;-) Keep up the quality forging! Cheers
I don't really see it doing that though. CQC requires lots of activity to be used as CQB. To me it just felt like an unnecessary break in the map.
This map has an very original layout, and I commend you for your creativity using the forerunner structure as part of your map! Often times forgers acquire a "group mentality", meaning that over time every map tends to look and feel similar to the last, so I'm glad to see there are forgers out there that continue to bring new ideas to the table. Even if a new idea is a complete flop it surges the forging community in new directions! Great job man!
Looks very good. i like how you incorporated the big structure in with it. If only the forge palette matched better...if only. But overall looks awesome. I will give it a DL tonight.
I wanted to say that I finally got to play this recently and it is much more than just a cool name for a well designed map. It really does play great and provided lots of good battle encounters while also being pleasing to look at and explore.