Utopia By StolenMadWolf (ForgeWolf007) I have just finished my latest development so its now ready for testing. This is the map called Utopia. Built on Impact, Utopia is another arena based map that is completely symmetrical except with weapons. This map orginally started as advice about another map I was working on (the triangle map), but I changed the design considerably and Utopia was born. You may notice in the pics that it also Dystopia like, but it is also got a lesser similarity to the Triangle Map and to an even lesser extent Sacrifice from Reach, which was a sucessor of the horrible map of mine called Sacrement. Sacrifice was also the predessor to the Maps Tribute and Endevour, which would evolve ultimately into Dystopia in Halo 4, and to a lesser extent, Utopia. This map is different from the others I have made as if you stick to the edges of the map. Then you will come across large ramps that will force you onto another level when you enter the next room. For a start, say you start off in Red Room and want to go to the Gold room. You can either go on the catwalk, go through the lower level of the central atrium (which is at least 2x as large as the CA on Dystopia.) or you can go to the lower level of the Red Room and go up the ramp, which will take you to the Gold Rooms Upper level. There is also a man cannon just at the connection between the CA and the purple area, which allows quick access to the catwalk. Anyways, enough with my yapping. Heres the screenies: Weapons: Battle Rifles, DMRs, Carbines and Light Rifles. All of them at 30 seconds and 0 clips. Assualt Rifles, a Storm Rifle and Suppressors. All of the at 30 seconds and 1 clip. Storm Rifle fully charged. 2x Sticky Detonators: 80-90 seconds and 1 clip each. Located in Red and Blue rooms lower floors. Railgun: 130 seconds and 1 clip. Located on the Bottom Level of the Gold Room. Gravity Hammer: 115 seconds. Located at the bottom of the purple ramps/middle of corridor. Oppisite the Man Cannon. Binary Rifle: 180 seconds and 0 clips. Located on the Upper catwalk. A mix of all grenades. If anyone wants to help me test this let me know. Or any suggestions on GMT game nights? Comments and Critism are Welcome. Wolf
Dat ramp... Seriously man this looks great, I'm loving the ramps! It looks to have a really interesting layout that would play tactile. Get in some TCOJ lobbies, I have been attending them lately and I want to play this.
looks cool man. you should use all the white lights if you haven't already. they make dark areas look much better in forge maps but I see you have a screen shot with one so I'm sure you used all 4. nice work though.
Looks nice, I would perhaps remove the ceiling, or spawn it in a second or so late so that the map gets the light and shadow from Impact. Either way your piece usage is nice, and I'll happily help test if you need testers.
Cheers for the reviews so far guys. The only thing Ive noticed is that if you run up some of the ramps, they slow you down due to magnets and its not very smooth. It's something Im going to have to have a look at. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Still feel free to comment [br][/br]Edited by merge: No need to worry. I still have 3 lights left!
@2nd to last picture Flip those brace larges so either they're both sideways or both vertical. It looks weird like that. I really need to get on Live to play this with you
You don't get the dynamic lighting from lights. If you want shadows you need to let natural light into the map. Could be a good idea taking the roof off, it would save budget that could be used on other parts of the map. Might also improve frame rate.
yea, experiment w/ removing roof, or if you really don't want that open-theme to the map, then try flagging some of the roof pieces to let light in, you know, using the delayed-spawn trick. good luck
Right, the more I think about the removal of the roof the more I like it. I will get rid of the of it and see what it looks like, then put an update up.