I have a question that should be rather simple but idk how many ppl would know, couldnt find it anywhere. Does someone know whether or not shield doors (specifically one-way doors looking at the red side) block the LOS influene? So for example, say i was looking at the exit end (red) of a one-way shield, and ive got a spawn point on the other side of it. Would me looking at the door cause an enemy not to spawn on the other end of the door? I know that a wall being there instead of a shield would most certainly block the los (well i certainly hope so anyway) [br][/br]Edited by merge: er.. i mighta put this in the wrong forum cuz im talkin about halo 4. Unless im missing something in that h4 doesnt feature this period?..!
for anyone interested to know, he later went on to discover that in fact the shield door blocks LOS influencer.