Curb Stomp

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Fenix Hulk, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    "Ravine City has been abandoned, but Block 17 of the slums has been quarantined and condemned the official zone for small fireteam training in urban terrain."

    Originally named "Stomping Ground" ("ground" gets blam! on halo), this map was designed from the ground up for the ForgeHub 2v2 Dust-Up Tournament. Tactical Jumps have been added into the map that would be broken by armor abilities. The Incineration Cannon is reached by the most difficult of jumps and is located dead center in the biggest choke point on the map. The map flows wonderfully as you can see in the video. The action moves from one location to the next at a rapid pace while still giving each team a little time to breath between engagements. I can't express enough on how much this feels like you're battling it out in a real world condensed city environment.


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    Map Walkthrough


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    2v2 Dust-Up Gameplay

    This gameplay footage consisted of Kazerra & Katanga vs UNSC Fenix Hulk & basketskate3, all very good players (hat's off to Kazerra, you're a beast). This game happened just after finalizing the map and was the players first time playing the map with all the changes added. You can witness this map has grown quite competitive and yet gameplay still flows very well and contains no real advantageous areas.


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    Map Items


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    #1 Fenix Hulk, Mar 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2013
  2. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    Every single urban themed map that ive seen looks too random or overly done with the natural urban environment aesthetic features. But this map is a clear indication of the effort and attention to detail that you have invested. I love how you have created a downtown city type feel but managed to forge it so freaking cleanly I'm amazed. I have no idea how gameplay works as I haven't played it yet clearly but if it plays as beautifully as it looks then it will undoubtedly be my favourite 2v2 map in Halo 4. Gameplay = aesthetics in my opinion and you have pulled that off very well 9/10. My one tiff with the map is that protrusion that you can walk on and there is a gravity lift up to it. It looks maybe a bit off from the rest of the map, like it was thrown there just to make gameplay better but I'd have to download to get a better look.

    Edit: On the one downside I have found a significant amount of z-fighting around the map and the road while running is uneven and can ruin game play and get rather annoying.
    #2 A R C A S I U S, Mar 14, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2013
  3. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The catwalk on the glass building I assume is what you're talking about. I spent many hours actually thinking about making this work (aesthetics wise). It serves gameplay as it gives you a height advantage over the alley there and makes you slightly taller than the center platforms. You can gain access to it by the grav lift or performing the tactical jumps in the alleyway. On this catwalk contains the carbine.

    As far as aesthetics go for it, I think it looks good from the right angle and that is looking either up at it or down on it. From the side it's kind of sketchy. I failed to post a pic of it from the right angle. It does have a rail though and when you're actually on it, it feels very fitting.

    Edit: You can get a better view of it in the walkthrough video.
    #3 Fenix Hulk, Mar 14, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2013
  4. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    This map is absolutely brilliant. The aesthetics make you feel like you are in a true urban environment, though never one that is too cluttered. The height variance is incredible and this new version looks much better than the already fun previous ones. The weapon choice leaves me a bit surprised, these one-shot weapons being so incredibly powerful, but they all seem just strong enough (Not too powerful) from the gameplay video.

    Excellent work, Hulk.
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I have yet to set foot on this, but the aesthetics from the screenshots alone are very impressive. Really nice realization of one of the Halo fanbase's favorite themes. Knowing the consistency of your map design I feel certain it plays well, too.
  6. TMR Legend

    TMR Legend Promethean

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    THIS MAP IS AMAZING!!! Ive been testing out this map ever since it was first made. It was amazing then; and seeing the map grow and change each time was a privilege. This map has BEAUTIFUL aesthetics and gameplay that fits this map perfectly. This has to be one of the best urban maps out there and hopefully for a while. Wonderful Job. 10/10! You have really outdone yourself.
  7. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Ordinarily when I play maps and they are posted to Forgehub, I tend to post explaining that I had a great time playing the map and, although it may be true, it doesn't quite express what I'd like to say aobut Curb Stomp.

    Put simply, this is one of my favourite 2v2 maps i've played in Halo period and certainly one of my favourite maps on Halo 4.

    Firstly, the theme is superb. From the screenshots I'm sure that you can all see the strong urban aesthetic, but it doesn't quite sink in until you've played on the map. Billboards, dumpsters and street lights are just some of the things that allow you to lose yourself in Curb Stomp. Honestly, I sometimes forgot I was on a forge map.

    The layout is also influenced by the strength of the theme. The map features an outer ring which houses two of the power weapons, a central area with one power weapon and two would-be-bases. None of these feel too overpowered and the games I played frequently shifted between areas. The "bases" serve as safe areas to spawn if all else fails and a great vantage point, although the addition of fusion coils prevents excessive usage and camping. The outer ring is brilliant for movement and weapon pickup, although it lacks the cover and height advantage the center possesses. The center houses the most powerful weapon on the map, and has plenty of areas of move around, but also sacrifices the long lines of sight and the safety from grenades that distance provides. It's a tradeoff that creates a dynamic brawl between teams that changes depending on the area. I found the Assault Rifle and Pistol to be of great use in the middle, and the DMRs around the "base" buildings useful during longer battles. Also, with many entrances to the top, the map flows seemlessly from area to area.

    While I'm on the topic of weapons, the power weapons feel perfectly balanced on Curb Stomp. On the outer ring, there are the Railgun and Binary Rifle. The Railgun is very useful in tight situations and has a fairly universal role in the map due to the lack of splash damage vs the damage it does, but at a cost. Often the delay will cost you a fight and, unless you plan ahead and commicate well, the other team will take you out before you can use it. The same can be said about the Binary. The Binary is a stupidly powerful gun on most maps, but due to the nature of the map it becomes less useful the higher up in the map you are. Furthermore, the beam it projects can often be your undoing. As the map isn't too big, it's easy to spot the source and determine a flanking stategy once you determine where a Binary user is.

    The final and most controversial weapon is the Incineration Cannon. This weapon may have worried me at the start of the game, but I can assure you it is balanced wonderfully. The two shots are great for gaining an easy two points, but it comes at a cost. The tactical jump is difficult to do under pressure, and can often cost you a firefight if you miss it. Furthermore, the nature of the center means that the Incineration Cannon is very risky to use unless you move away from the power positions. It's a very clever means of getting rid of the infamous "all power weapons at the top" dilemme that so many Halo maps face these days.

    Finally, the spawning was immaculate from what I saw. I played two games and never spawned anywhere where I was in immediate danger, and could easily orient myself with the map thanks to the aesthetics and easy to learn layout.

    Overall, I would really recommend Curb Stomp. It's a brilliant 2v2 Map and a great map in general. I'm not one for tournaments, but I would happily play competitive games on this as much as possible. In fact, after playtesting it, I practically demanded a second game. Fenix Hulk, I commend you for your creation.

    P.s If I look like I was sucking in the video, it's because I was. ;) But n all seriousness, I spent most of the game trying to stop a download in Steam.
    #7 Katanga, Mar 14, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2013
  8. CrafiestBeef

    CrafiestBeef Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No more hogs? :( They probably weren't good in a competitive setting anyways though. Great map man good luck in the comp.
  9. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    Writing another essay about how fantastic this map is would be useless, seeing as Katanga beat me to it.

    I would just like to say, though, that Curb Stomp delivers a stellar game. Fenix hasn't sacrificed gameplay over aesthetics at all - the map plays just as good as it looks.

    He's done a brilliant job of balancing out all of the power weapons. An Incineration Cannon and a Binary Rifle on the same 2v2 map could be seen as a silly choice, but I assure you that they are beautifully balanced and collaborate with the map exceptionally well.

    Real good job on this one, Fenix.
  10. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    DAT CURB STOMP! ... Sick as hale. I know that and I never played it. Beautiful map, one more for my collection. You know, since Certain Ashittity sucks.... Forge is our only hope. Thanks buddy.
  11. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
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    Congrats on a great map, I was lucky enough to get a few games on it while it was in the beta stage, and loved it. Glad you kept the weapon layout; this will prove a great competitive map for the dust-up tourney... hope it gets in there!!!!!!
  12. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
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    Fenix made a small map :O

    I personally feel like some of the aesthetics are a bit awkward. The light tac jumps seem to be kind of out of place and low. There are kind of random barriers sticking out of walls that screw up the textures a little bit, and there are a few overlapping blocks (granted they cannot be helped in some cases) but it just looks weird. You already talked about the catwalks but they seem like they need something more to their name. Also I think there should be another tac jump to incin from the top of the interior lift rooms.

    Maybe 7/10 would maybe bang cause the gameplay looks great :/ don't mean to make you feel bad Fenix your a great forger, I'm just not feeling this one.
  13. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback everyone. Narfidy, sorry to disappoint you. You're going to have merged blocks in maps unless you want your map looking like it was made in minecraft (I atleast have no z fighting). The tac jumps are actually very fitting and serve gameplay very well. As far as random barriers sticking out, don't know what you're referring to here besides the "cover" blocks attached to the glass building. I don't want to add anything else to them, they simply add a short lived advantageous position over the alley way. There's not really any other piece that looks better than the "cover" piece in it's place and I went through a lot of ideas to make it fit better. But they needed to be there to serve gameplay. Gameplay > Aesthetics.
    #13 Fenix Hulk, Mar 14, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2013
  14. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Great job on this map. I have recently played on the updated version and can't find what happened to your earlier version to compare. As soon as I saw this I had to take a closer look and felt inspired to create an urban themed map. I like how you have focused recently on 2 v 2 maps, that give the ability to make nice small maps that have nice aesthetic touches. The lights and benches look great and dumpsters and help to immerse yourself in the urban feel. I wasn't any good on the map and did get pulverised at first until I worked out safer spots and tactics. The weapons are nicely placed and I like that there isn't waypoints to the weapons.
    When I was showing it earlier to Spades- event staffs @ 343 feedback was great except for some minor spawning issues. What they were I would have to get back to you on.
  15. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    wow 10 out of 10. Thou it reminds me of a old quake feel. It moves perfect. I like the different vantage points. Did I say wow.

    Theres no floor glitching is there? I didnt notice it in the video but I am impressed that you were able to do that with the bridge pieces.
    #15 reaper3bot0, Mar 15, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2013
  16. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    ...says the man making some of the most beautiful functional aesthetics in H4 forge.

    The thing I'm always most impressed by is maps that almost make you forget the canvas you're on. Going back to Foundry, a few maps have done that. This is one of those maps :D You get a sense, with just a little bit of leeway, that you might be on a developer map and not a forge canvas.

    ...but you're not wrong, gameplay > aesthetics and I think this map has no signs of sacrificing functionality for appearance. It is in fact an intriguing and unique playspace that happens to look amazing.

    Minus .01 points because the name's been used before.
    #16 Indie Anthias, Mar 15, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2013
  17. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Thanks a lot for the feedback guys!

    This is awesome, be sure to let me know about the spawning issues if you find out the details. I will be sure to fix.
  18. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The is definitely an excellent map and I'm glad I could help test it out with you, man. Although I can't say you had found the correct counter for the Hog at the time, I enjoyed the idea. It's a shame it had to go.
  19. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    No problem, I would like to clarify that I asked him as a friend and not officially as a 343 representative. But I was bigging up both this map and the other map of yours that we also played on Recycled.
  20. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, and Recycled is not yet finished. Any more feedback on either map would be great.

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