
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Squidkake, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Squidkake

    Squidkake Forerunner

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    Hello everyone at ForgeHub!
    I've worked a while on this map, and I hope everyone enjoys it. It plays for practically every gamemode and took a while to get the aesthetics just right.

    I present you you...

    The weapons list and map are below, followed by a ton of pictures.

    (2) Mongoose – 60 seconds
    Banshee – 120 seconds (Only in slayer and in Dominion in“Base B”)
    (2) 2 Plasma Grenades – 30 seconds
    (2) 2 Frag Grenades – 30 seconds
    2 Pulse Grenades – 30 seconds
    (2) Needlers – 90 seconds
    Sticky Detonator – 120 seconds
    Incineration Cannon – 120 seconds (only 2 clips)
    Sniper Rifle – 120 seconds
    Battle Rifle – 30 seconds
    (2) DMR – 30 seconds

    (NOTE: Changes were made to the map after this layout was made, but all weapon positions stay the same. You will notice slight changes is the following, more up-to-date pictures.)
    View of the top center, where the Banshee is, placed up on the section of the Forerunner structure I cut off.
    To get to the bunker shown above in the center, you'd have to use a jetpack, but other than the height, there is no advantage to that point; no weapons spawn up there.
    Above you can see the three man cannons, which play a huge role in the game. The one in the center sends you up to the left of the banshee. The other two can get you from your base to the other team's base quicker, but not too quick. In dominion (as you will see in later pics), those two man cannons are blocked off.
    There are many jumps required in the middle of the map. To get to the top of the structure that suspends the bridge, both teams have a different way to jump to it. The bridge and pieces around it allow you to cut through the center. The center man cannon mentioned earlier is also shown. (another view of this is below)

    Blue team spawns here. The spawn isn't all the way in the back, so that way the two teams have equal distance to objectives and POI.
    Here is red team's spawn, which IS tucked in the back, again due to objectives and POI. (Note: In all, a total of 4 teams can play at once)
    [Note that a few minor changes were made to the map after the weapons map was made, and a major change: the center man cannon.]

    Below are pictures of the dominion bases. Again, the left and right man cannons are blocked off, as you will see, to make the game flow better. "Base B" has the Banshee vehicle pad. All bases have a turret, random weapon drops, and fortified cover.
    (Yes, I understand the man cannon's blue rays are showing, but they have no effect on gameplay; you can't use them.)
    "Base B" (before captured) - I am standing in front of the vehicle pad, while the turret is off to the left.
    The 2 Mongooses spawn in each gamemode unless turned off, without vehicle pads.

    *Also, I would like to mention I have few map testers, and need some. I would also love to test other people's maps if given the opprotunity. But anyways, thankyou for looking at my map!*
    #1 Squidkake, Mar 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2013
  2. HissingWings

    HissingWings Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map looks like it has a pretty solid layout but all of the 4x4 talls make it look really ugly. I would try breaking up the repetitive texture by adding in wall coliseums, the forerunner base piece, or some other piece used in a new and interesting way instead of such a repetitive texture. Not bad though
  3. CrafiestBeef

    CrafiestBeef Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm with Hissing, good layout but you need to make different places on your map feel different, maybe make each elevation a different floor piece?
  4. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    looks decent but way too open
  5. Squidkake

    Squidkake Forerunner

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    dont understand what anyone could possibly suggest to change that, although my previous maps had that problem, this map has cover everywhere. maybe someone could give me a suggestion regarding that, because im just not seeing it

    oh, and thanks for the "good layout" responses, but i always had the feeling that colliseum walls was just a lazy way to put up walls or flooring because of how big and easy it is to put them up, but i will look into an alternative, because i really want this map to get to its fullest potential
  6. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    well, one reason to use colluseum walls is to reduce the number of pieces, and hence number of vertices that the game needs to display.

    one c-wall may equate to (just estimating) 6 5x5 flats and each join between those pieces means more processing power needed by the xbox. it also means moer visual "noise" that MrGreen has been talking about lately... there are reasons not to use c-walls, such as the piece shifting, but that can be reduced a lot.
  7. Squidkake

    Squidkake Forerunner

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    thankyou actually for that advice, because I'm making a map currently that has horrible lighting, worst i have EVER seen, probably cus its placed under the main grounds of eroision...
  8. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    I could be wrong but I think Erosion there is only 2 somewhat small areas with dynamic lighting. One is on the terrain area in the middle of it. The light comes through the holes straight up where you see the sky. You are most likely building the map where there is no dynamic lighting... and the forge pieces on Erosion are not very appealing for looks, so it's quite difficult to make a good looking map. Although, it's not impossible as I have seen a few that have accomplished it. But the fact that most of the map has no dynamic lighting, makes it that much harder.

    This map here looks nice. I do think you used too many of the same type of pieces for flooring and walls as it all blends together with "too similar" of textures. But the design is nice. As far as being "too open", "DAT DAMN DMR" makes it so you get shot from anywhere on the map usually (for 12-16 player maps) so you should probably put some rocks or something around the map for more cover, at the very least.
    #8 Starship Ghost, Mar 14, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2013

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