
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Xsjados, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Xsjados

    Xsjados Talented
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    Hello everyone just finished my second beta build of my Midship remake iv been secretly working on. Its currently about 85% done still needs some testing and tweaking but I feel its time to let it out for the world to see. Trust when you scroll down to see these pics you will like what you see.

    Also feel free to hit me up if you are interested in helping me with some play tests my GT is Xsjados just msg me and ill inv you when ever im online.

    Edit: I added this current build to my file share to help get more feedback so feel free to check it out Here











    #1 Xsjados, Mar 13, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2013
  2. J DawgMillenium

    J DawgMillenium Promethean
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    I have difficulty examining the layout from the pictures. Could you post a bird's eye view? If it is segmented, draw a basic sketch. Anyway, the aesthetics look fine, but some areas look bland and not distinguishable from each other. A few different lights would brighten up the map. I will check this out in Forge myself on the weekend.

    Edit: I just noticed this was a remake of Midship. I feel stupid now.
    #2 J DawgMillenium, Mar 13, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
  3. Xsjados

    Xsjados Talented
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    yea the thing about the lighting and screenshots is I actually have the lighting and shading that's projected from the roofs turned of using the dynamics lighting disable trick. So when in game red side is actually lit up very well where blue side is shaded but for some weird reason when i take pics the shading and lighting shows back up even though its not actually there in theater.

    As for the build the basics are all there for gameplay still switching around pieces here and there to try and make it look nicer. Also have a lot of budget left and still want to add a lot of things to really make the aesthetics good.

    send me a msg on xbox live and ill inv to game to check it out if ud like and play on it
  4. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    why would you disable the dynamic lighting for an enclosed map on Halo 4? that's one of the worst things you could do, in most cases. using that trick is mainly used to darken rooms for creepy Flood aesthetics or to make the room pitch black with a combination of special fx. If I understand you correctly, you are saying the lighting is showing back up in theater mode even though you disabled it. But there isn't even enough lighting in the screen shots so you are saying it looks even worse when you play the map?
  5. GodOfForge

    GodOfForge Promethean

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    LOL who cares about the lighting? The fact of the matter is that Heretic/Midship should never be remade. The absolute lack of rounded pieces available makes it impossible for an accurate adaptation. I've considered remaking Midship several times but there's simply no way to do it correctly. In my humble opinion, you're much better off taking the concept and making something your own....just don't call it midship.
  6. PantherineOfGod

    PantherineOfGod Promethean

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    i agree maybe add some purple lights seeing as midship is a covenant ship, i would put them inside blocks so you dont see the light ball itself just the purple coming off of it. i couldnt tell if you already did this but you should make all your pieces purple. and maybe mess around with some special effects like a nova juicy combination. but other then that ill play test this with you if you want.
  7. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
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    I for one love it! It's a pretty solid remake going from memory. I don't get why you disabled the lighting. If those screenshots are what the dynamic lighting actual look like, then it looks great.
  8. Xsjados

    Xsjados Talented
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    No its actually the reverse with the dynamic lighting turned off from the roof the map acts as if there is no roof and is a lot brighter and clear were as the screen shots show dynamic lighting on with the shades of the roof on, making the map look darker then it really is.
  9. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    yea, that's what I was thinking too. the disabling of dynamic lighting is meant to disable pieces used on rooves and walls to keep them from casting a shadow, which lights up the area below those pieces.

    If as you say, the two sides are lit much differently, you could possibly remove the coloring of red and blue on the two opposing sides. It looks bad IMO. Keep everything purple, except a light or two for each side to make it glow in red or blue.

    or use a phased dom shield colored for each side into a piece in a clever manner to make it look like a lit panel. You are on a ship afterall :D

    Good luck!
  10. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    wouldn't this be called "enabling" dynamic lighting? or "disabling shadows". not "disabling dynamic lighting"... that is what confused me.
    #10 Starship Ghost, Mar 14, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2013
  11. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    if you start recording a film immediatley as the theater mode starts. (hit record before lighting fully renders) then that film will always have the lighting tricks shown in it. If you snap screenshots from either the original film or your "film from a film" shorter, edited on, it always seems to botch the lighting. (or more accurately, doesn't show the tricks you used).

    I wonder if that comes from pausing and rewinding the film to get the shot, but I am not certain. I have at least some pics that seem to feature lighting tricks and have yet to isolate how exactly it works some times and not others.

    I will do some mroe testing and see if I can isolate a solution and certainly post here and elsewhere if I find one.
  12. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    yeah I came to edit my post... realized that the theater mode won't display lighting tricks. but they did supposedly patch it for the glitch that didn't display the shadows in theater mode for people who did no tricks.

    Either way, I don't think maps look good without any shadows for the whole map. In certain sections of a map, sure that looks good, like in JKAddict's "LaForge" map for certain hallways and stuff. But in this midship map, it would have been much better to build it in a location where the dynamic lighting is more aesthetically pleasing, or shines through the ceiling better. It may have been built in a "not-so-good" spot on the map. As I can tell the lighting coming from the ceiling is not enough. In a different spot it would be enough. (I think)
    #12 Starship Ghost, Mar 14, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2013
  13. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    I actually had the idea recently to use the Ravine pallate, even though the lighting is more yellow and midship is supposed to be ... on a ship in space.

    the reason being, that it has the half-circle piece that could be used for many of the rounded parts of how midship is supposed to be.

    but yea, this looks pretty good if you can just do something with the coloring of lights like I suggested above.

    I give this a DL and see just how good it looks with the lighting trick working.
  14. FTG Insanity

    FTG Insanity Forerunner
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    This is the BEST midship remake I have ever seen, even since Halo Reach remakes.

    Please release this map soon, I want to play on it lmao!
  15. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I dunno, he seems to have done very well making things rounded for how angular Forge pieces are. Aside from coloration, I'd say this is pretty damn accurate.
  16. FTG Insanity

    FTG Insanity Forerunner
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    I agree completely.
  17. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    I checked out the map, it looks a lot nicer in the game than in the screenshots for some reason. Whether that is the lighting or not I couldn't tell a difference. I like it though, I would suggest using all 4 gadget lights to spice it up a bit... especially purple.
  18. Xsjados

    Xsjados Talented
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    Yea that's why i decided to add it on my file share for download cause the map really speaks for itself in game... I plan on trying a lot of things for aesthetics the good thing about impact is the have a lot of cool good looking pieces to work with, plus i haven't even looked at what DM pieces i can work with as well.
  19. GodOfForge

    GodOfForge Promethean

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    Allow me to clarify and elaborate on my previous comment. My intention was not to take anything away from your effort, xsjados. After going through Heretic in forge inch by inch with the intention of remaking it myself I know what an ambitious project it is. My point was that there are so many subtleties derived from the rounded geometry that it's impossible to do it justice. That being said, may I suggest using bridge pieces and bridge inclines for your walkways and ramps to better distinguish your walls and floors. That would also contribute quite a but in terms of providing some of that original purple-ish color. Outside of P2, leading to top mid could easily be a wraith spawn platform (dominion category) flipped upside down. Same for top mid. For top mid walk way I would use airlock smalls. A full dish upside down would work great for bottom mid and then try to round off those corners. Just a few ideas. Tip o' the cap for taking on this remake either way.
  20. fame28

    fame28 Forgotten Treasure
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    From the screenshots, this looks like a very nice version of Midship. I will have to download it and see it in game. I do agree with god of forge that the other bridge inclines might make it look alot cleaner. Aside from that we don't have circular pieces so you did it as close as any of us could with forge from what I can tell so far. Great job!

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