Hello Forge hub, So this is the first map I completed for halo 4. Its called Sweatshop. I like to have a little fiction behind my maps so as view-able in the description the fiction for this one is that, during the first war, the covenant used to take old forerunner foundries such as this one and use them to produce their weapons. To support this fiction you can see covenant weapons and vehicles around the map. However all of these are unreachable and solely for decoration. The map is compatible with all game types, yes even grifball though it plays very weird, and can support up to 16 player though game play may get cramped with that many. Ordenance: Initial - 5 (2 per base + 1 center) Spoiler - 1x Sticky Detonator - 1x Shotgun - 1x Concussion Rifle - 1x Saw - 1x Rockets Random - 9 (Spread around map) Spoiler - 2x - Random -DMR -Battle Rifle -Assault Rifle -Magnum -Railgun -Sniper Rifle - 2x - Random -Covenant Carbine -Storm Rifle -Needler -Concussion Rifle -Beam Rifle - 2x - Random -Plasma Grenade x2 -Pulse Grenade x2 -Frag Grenade x2 - 1x - Random -Gravity Hammer -Rocket Launcher -Fuel Rod Cannon -Incineration Cannon -Energy Sword - 1x - Random -Overshield -Speed Boost -Damage Boost - 1x - Random -Boltshot -Light Rifle -Scattershot -Binary Rifle -Supressor -Incineration Cannon Objective - 12 (4 per dominion base) Spoiler Each base has... - 2x - Random -Concussion Rifle -Railgun -Sticky Detonator -Shotgun -Needler -Scattershot -Saw -Spartan Laser - 1x - Random -Overshield -Speed Boost -Damage Boost -Plasma Grenade x2 -Pulse Grenade x2 -Frag Grenade x2 - 1x - Random -Beam Rifle -Incineration Cannon -Binary Rifle -Fuel Rod Cannon -Rocket Launcher -Sniper Rifle -Energy Sword -Gravity Hammer To showcase the map i took 5 screenshots in every game mode except for grifball. see below: Overhead view: The map has a single atrium in the center with two levels. The blue and red base can be seen on the left and right and the neutral zone vertically in the center. The multiple levels are easy to traverse with the quick but exposing ramps near the top of the image or the longer yet safer ramps near the bottom. Base View: View from one of the bases. Side View: View from a neutral zone. P.S. Yes my comment get less and less intelligent as i got along Capture the flag: Spoiler Running through the center Gravlift with flag Blue in red base :O Flagsassination The always comical sticky detonator to the face...er shoulder... Dominion: Spoiler Base Capture Just a firefight Battling the turret Gimme that terminal Last Stand Extraction: Spoiler Extracting... My beacon! Firefight at extraction point Boom...there goes me shotgun to the face Flood: Spoiler Flood! Ka Slapsassination Thruster Pack The hunter becomes the hunted Infinity Rumble (Slayer): Spoiler You can't see me... SAW wins Overshield Smash! Invisa-kill King of the Hill: Spoiler Back up Bro Run and Gun and stay out tackle Incinerate Oddball: Spoiler First touch I got the ball guys catch low blow grav lift Regicide: Spoiler Melee lunge Sticky Detonator...again leap... regicide + incineration = ooh pretty chiropractor DOWNLOAD Update v1.1: - Added more dominion objects - Shields - Barricades - Ordnance drops - Added more cover in all game types - Added/Re-did KOTH hills - Fixed resupply problem in dominion - Fixed hills being too short in KOTH Update v1.2: - Moved Charlie's dominion turrets so man cannon would not hit them - Moved man cannon to prevent damaging shields - Added soft kill level with the gravity ceiling - Added hard kill zones behind bases out side map
You should try to get some pics of the actual map. I have no idea what this layout looks like from your action shots. Looks pretty open though.
Now that you see it better do you have any feed back. On my couple play tests i noticed KOTH was a little difficult because The hills are often too exposed and left the player open with no where to hide. Maybe providing cover would help but i don't wan't to break up the flow of the map. Advise? I know you can use dominion objects such as turrets in other game modes, i offer two in flood, do barricades work so maybe during the spawn sequence of the hill the barricades is raised and during other it is down?
That does not work. Your best bet is to go into Forge, set the game type to King of the Hill, set up some barriers, and set it to this: GAME-SPECIFIC=YES GAME TYPE LABEL=KOTH If done correctly, those barriers will only appear when King of the Hill is played.
I don't know if you know this already or not but there are a few places on your map where you can navigate along the outer walls using a jet pack and some jumping to drop down into the back of the round bases. It's hard to do but it is possible. Over all I like the layout.
Hmm...ok. I have a player trait volume with 300% or 400% gravity (whatever max is) and zero jump height that i though would prevent that but i guess if you get up there and walk gravity doesn't come into play. I also have soft kill zones on top of the bases. Maybe I i add hard kill zones behind them. Do you mind taking a quick video or screeny on where you did this from so i can prevent it happening in the first place and have the kill zones as backup.
I fixed this and updated the map. forgot to say that [br][/br]Edited by merge: Sorry that was vague and weird. I updated the map and fixed the problem jrmy found. In addition to that i fixed some dominion objects and the man cannon. Please post feedback.
middle area seems really open to me. It seems like with DMRs there might just be a battle across the center of the map from the sides constantly. How much does that vary from moment to moment? Also a suggestion for your posting is that you create a Preview thread in the Forge Discussion area and allow for these fixes to be made before posting in this section. It will make your finished thread look a lot more professional and then people know when they visit a map thread in this section, that it is finished and downloading it will be a one-time thing.
Ya i fixed the openness in v1.1. Now DMRs are less powerful because people can simply duck behind cover. And ok ill take that advice for my next map.