Hey, I'm going to sort of list off a couple of questions with Halo 4 and it's gametypes, so here I go 1. Is stockpile still in Halo 4, or is it possible to re create in CTF? 2. To sort of go with the first question, is it possible in CTF to create a gametype where vehicles can pick up flags? 3. Is there an insane gametype and is it possible to re create it with gametypes atm? 4. Is there Bro Slayer? 5. Is it possible to duplicate vehicles and toys like it was in reach? (I've seen THFE's video on it but I didn't quite understand how it worked) Thanks whoever has answered these questions in advance, I'm curious to learn about the gametypes in Halo 4 to start getting ideas but I've had previous ideas using gametypes and such in Halo Reach and not sure if it is still possible.
1. Stockpile is not in Halo 4 and is not possible to create as far as we know. However, 1-Flag was created by FlyingShoeILR, so we do have one flag based game mode back from the death! 2. Not that I know of, but I haven't played with the settings much. 3. Not that is known of. 4. No. 5. I'm not sure what this one is asking.
Thanks for these answers, and the question for 5 is if it is the same method to duplicate vehicles in reach as it is in Halo 4, and does it have the same physics to it such as instant respawn if the vehicle is out of its original placement.