Map Title: Roadkill Download Map Download Gametype Description: This map is a basic arena where the humans spawn. After 90 seconds, a small bunker appears. The zoms appear outside with all of their vehicles: 8 ghosts, 4 choppers, 3 mongooses. The zoms can deal no dmage to humans so thet must splatter them. humans have hammers and high gravity. Zoms have 4x over sheild. Because humans cannot hijack, the best way to kill zoms is to tip them over and hit the heck out of them. When the zoms are outnumbered, it is very difficult because being hit with many hammers at once usually is not a good thing. Once the zoms have a significant number, humans have to be quick on their feet because it is more difficult to jump the vehicles. The last man however, has high speed and less gravity. This enables him to actually escape outside the arena. This does not matter because the zoms can easily get outside by simply not going into the arena in the first place. There is an alterate way into the arena. It is two man cannons off to the side. Well, those are the basics of Hit N Run on Roadkill. PICTURES! Overview 90 seconds later Vehicles Another way Well, thats all folks! Hope you download and enjoy!
Sweet map. I will DL. And i love the sig. i have just played on a roadkill map that was horrible (lots of honor rules and too easy to escape the map) and thankfully i will never have to deal with that again because i will have this map!!!!
never played roadkill but this sounds like a lotta fun. i like minigames and vehicles a lot so this should be the game for me. the map looks good also.
Looks really cool, very basic but it still looks good. It looks like it'll provide a great deal of enjoyment but I'm not 100% sure. How much have you tested this?