Clarity of Faith Created by timmypanic Recommended Gametype: Slayer Variants Recommended Players: 8-16 Covenant architecture is rather difficult to pull off in our given set of tools in Halo 4's forge. Luckily, there are some who choose to tackle this enormous challenge and attempt to bring curves to custom games in Halo. Timmypanic has always been a wonderful aesthetic forger, often bringing his maps to the breaking point of framerate lag due to the mass amount of beautiful arrangements. He has given us great maps in the past, some fully aesthetic and some made for competitive play. Clarity of Faith combines both of these interests in two versions of the map. Clarity of Faith is impressive to say the least. I knew Timmy for this sort of work before; in fact this map is a remake of a Covenant ship he constructed in Halo Reach. However, when I downloaded this map I just flew around it in forge, trying to figure out how he managed to form such beautiful rounded structures and still have a playable map within the vessel. While the map is not designed to be a competitive layout, the very fact that it is playable is rather impressive. The large masses of the ship are wonderfully made, and the details are not lost on such a vast project, as the ship's engines glow white-hot and large display screens give an illusion of control decks. Timmy makes use of the dominion and impact pieces by integrating them as part of the ship's engines, glass screens, and body. From the hull, to the ship's weapons and even some fun use of gravity zones, the Clarity of Faith has it all. Timmypanic's Clarity of Faith draws you in and doesn't let go from the moment you see it. In comparison, the super soldier that you claim to be feels like an insect. The very fact that this exists is fantastic, and it's been an honor to know the creator. If you want to see an incredible forged Covenant ship in person, download this map. It has two versions, a 2.0 and 3.0, the latter of which uses fewer objects to reduce on framerate. As a forger, I found this map highly intriguing to run around on and explore the piece usage. I'm sure that anyone will feel a similar sense of awe when they step on to Clarity of Faith. We hope that you all love the beautiful map that timmypanic has given us as much as we did. It's a bit older than some of the maps coming out, but the ship still remains a testament to what can be done in forge. The images above don't do it justice. Love, xAudienceofone Download Clarity of Faith 2.0 Download Clarity of Faith 3.0 You can view the original map thread by the author here. If you have seen a map floating around the board that you think is worthy of a feature then head on over to recommend that map for a feature. Additionally, if you have any questions about this article in specific feel free to voice them in our front page feedback.
A very deserving feature from a forger who was destined to get a feature somewhere down the line. Congrats Timmypanic!
This looks amazing! I should check out the Aesthetic map section more often Congrats Timmy! Its great to see some variety in the features.
Thanks, was really not expecting this. I have learnt more since forging this. It was the first project I took a real interest in on Halo 4. It did help knowing the curves and where I went wrong in reach versions. I have seen more maps and have been learning more about using the dominion pieces and cheap coloured shields to create an improved bridge and control room that I feel these versions lacked. Thanks for rekindling my passion for this map and I will see if I can improve this further !
congrats Tim, you deserve it with this masterpiece. If you have the budget left... see if you can put some Banshees for dogfights. I think that would be really awesome. Nothing better than Banshee dogfights around a large starship. although I'm sure there isn't enough budget left, but just in case. Either way, I look forward to seeing any improvements you make bro.
Well done my mate, it's about time you got recognised for the wonderful aesthetic yet functional work you constantly produce. I'll be downloading this fo' shizzle.