RS - The World Wakes! Released.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SpartanPeter, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    I bet no one on this very site is as excited as I am, still I create this "New" thread to show the playthrough because I doubt some will research the other, I won't watch it, I want to do this for myself. I might turn member for it, I have heard this quest is amazing and beautiful. Runescape's lore was always so.. Simple, yet this quest shows so much more about the world.
    Under all this (these 2 videos) there will be a short explanation + explanation video!
    I just want to show you guys this, maybe get some thoughts. Nostalgia..
    And questions asked, I will answer them.

    Here is the quest itself.
    Quest Playthrough :
    The World Wakes [LIVE] - RuneScape's Biggest Quest Ever! - YouTube

    And if you won't watch it all, at least listen to the soundtrack, I never knew Runescape could create something so good.
    Soundtrack :
    Memories of Guthix - Runescape Music [SOUNDTRACK] - YouTube

    So my short explanation..
    The Quest goes about Guthix, a god we all know of, but also a god we have never seen. He was the first to step on Gielinor, and he brought peaceful beings to live on the world... Of course, other gods, with other thoughts (Zamorak.. Saradomin) found the world, they rather saw an world of oppurtunity.. And the land, wasn't so very peaceful anymore. Guthix, had to do something, he restored the balance, and forced an shield around the world, and slept.. Deep under in the Gielinor.

    Now with this quest, you will be joined by the Explorer named Orlando, to find the tomb of Guthix. You will be joined by the Guardians of Guthix. I will just say their names, there will be only two you know (I think) - Death, Fiara, Valluta, Cres, Juna.
    And You. Yep. The moment you stepped on Gielinor, you were one of the Guardians.
    So I think you know yourself, and Death. So that's that, here is an short nice video that explains it pretty much too.

    Explanation Video (Origins of Gielinor) 3:52
    The Origins of Gielinor - YouTube
    #1 SpartanPeter, Mar 11, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2013
  2. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm surprised that you didn't think RS music could get that good. I remember SO many amazing songs by them in my days.


  3. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Oops.. :embarassed:
    Well yeah.. there are some good ones. Like the 2007 menu song, when you hear that, you will instantly be reminded of the time you played this. And they have some epic boss battle themes, and just relaxing ones for walking around etc. But this really is a good one isn't it? One of the best I have heard, made by Runescape.
    I might do this quest, I just want to do it :p

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