i dont know about you but i want to be able to play as an elite and be able to customise their armor like in halo but have honor guard and arbiter armor. what do you fellow spartans think
Honestly, I don't care. Just give me improved Forge and Customs and I'll be happy. I've never played Halo because of anything else. The story often bores me and the matchmaking is often dull after a game or two. Fortunately I have an insatiable appetite for creating things.
I would like to see a little more creativity than just Elites. How about also allowing players to jump into Grunts, Jackals, Hunters or Promethian Knights during objective based Spartan Ops missions for 4 v 4 action with a story. This could fill the void left with Invasion gone.
Eh... I'd rather 343 worry about creating new gameplay mechanics/alter existing ones rather than just fiddle around with cosmetic changes that serve no purpose aside from screw up small details in competitive play by moving around hitboxes and whatnot to compensate for a new player model.
I hope they let us not only play as Elites but as Promethean Knights as well. But honestly, I just want to play as The Arbiter again.