I was under the impression that Bungie had confirmed third person view in the "hub" areas, their reasoning was "You work hard to look badass, why not admire yourself in the vicinity of others?".
Really? Must have missed that In the video we saw an quick look of the Destiny menu, wich showed an couple of options. At the top we saw "Home", could that be an hub area, or the only hub area? Have many thoughts about that one. Im defenitly interested in the customization of your own character and the "Pike" wich seems to be an very important vehicle. Oh and one more thing, does anyone think that the concept art of the Titan makes him look a little like an Spartan? Wich is awesome, of course. The armor looks a bit similar to me, all the three classes look really awesome though!
Beware, shitstorm of images. Spoiler Also, this picture make me believe there will be ADS in Destiny.
I don't think there will be ADS because Halo weapons had iron sights and spartans looked like they where looking down sights when walking. But that's not to say I'm against ADS its a valuable mechanic so if the game benefits from it, It benefits from it. This menu?, I'm still curious on what each gamemode does and how all the little details correlate into the gameplay. Like the ships in background are they just a background or actually your ship(because you get your own ship) and there is faction wars what does that mean about factions, what does the 6,12,16 on side mean there levels or rank? so much curiosity
Yeah, that menu, top option : Home. I share the curiosity, ADS doesn't affect me, i don't really care about that. Im so very interested in the customization of yourself, your weapons, your ships and apparently also your Hoverbike, The Pike. And I also see emblems next to the names, the friends. Awesome. Im also interested in all the landscapes we will discover, I know our main planet is Earth, but it is desolated, overgrown, and I have seen lava, I guess some volcano,s have erupted, wich is awesome in game. Also snow, and sandstorms have consumed city,s. I hope they will release some more info very soon, maybe in March when the Xbox 720 will be revealed.
If its level, Does that mean we have level progression? meaning we unlock things as we level up and are they aesthetic items only or are there weapons and armor unlocks or stat upgrades? Meaning higher level players are inherently stronger if so will that be a problem for PVP, If it's now that how do players unlock things. In the phone part it looks like its showing your armor ability's and stuff, If there isn't unlocks, we start with it all? Every question leads to more questions so curious, Brings me to a more important question, Should I go dark and not be trying to figure this stuff out and be surprised by tons of stuff the first time I put in the disc in?
It's really not a problem for PvP, no more than it's a problem for any other MMO. There's a chance Destiny won't have competitive multiplayer in the sense that Halo games do, so let go of that notion. They've confirmed loot in the game of a randomised/semi-randomised nature. You definitely don't start with everything. Not even close.
Destiny News - New Concept Arts!!! - YouTube Spoiler Apparently Gameinformer is covering Destiny on the April issue. Source: http://imgur.com/a/WI0SA
Bungie has not only hired level designers, but also world designers. This means we might have whole planets and moons to explore.
What does that mean? A "world" is a level if you're playing on it. A level designer makes the environment, what scale that environment is on can be a small space or a large space.
Yep.. This goes about our world, our moon, our planets! There are some pictures leaked, and some pictures just posted (I will add them later, unable to do so now) I have seen.. The "Sandy" Mars, with city's that have been consumed by sand. The icy Jupiter, The picture shows that it is very, very cold. Horizontal icicles. The Moon, they said we can expect very different combat here, tectonic plates or something? It is really awesome, I will post some things here soon
We get to explore our real life solar system in an alternative/futuristic universe gonna be pretty fun.
The fact that this game is going to be made like an mmo with player vs environment experiences really got me interested in this game. I think bungie is creating another beast ip. I love games where co-op is an option and playing with friends or strangers is always better than playing by yourself in my opinion...
Bungie has a knack for creating amazing IPs. It also helps that they started planning in 2006. That's at least 6 years of careful planning. They created an amazing universe which turned out to be the flagship game for the XBox, now they are trying to dominate all consoles. It's a hard feat to accomplish, but I don't have doubts that Bungie can take all the consoles by storm.
Agreed with every single word. Anyways, with all the locations involved and lots of ruins and abandoned locations, it might be nice to be able scavenge up a bit of information or backstory as you go through an area. Say for example you enter an old structure, you may find a newspaper that was before the collapse, or a journal from a survivor, or maybe a photo even. It would add a lot of background to the game, or provide a quest/new objective/clue. Not sure if Bungie did that, but it would be Interesting. Annoyingly, I been checking out Bungie.net and since Bungie revealed Destiny, they haven't shown much else, if not anything. I want to see more info on Destiny or another ViDoc.
Did anyone watch the whole conference from Bungie? Soooo much new info. That video is only a fraction of what they revealed.