Map Slideshow - - - Cinematic Gameplay Video Video - - - Map Description "Ravine City has been abandoned, but Block 17 of the slums has been quarantined and condemned the official zone for small fireteam training in urban terrain." This map was designed from the ground up for the ForgeHub 2v2 Dust-Up Tournament. It also supports CTF, in which I have made a "2v2 Dust-Up" CTF variant with the same settings. The map flows wonderfully as you can see in the video. The action moves from one location to the next at a rapid pace while still giving each team a little time to breath between engagements. I can't express enough on how much this feels like you're battling it out in a real world condensed city environment. - - - Map Items 4 BRs - 2 DMRs - 2 Carbines - 2 ARs - 2 Frags - 2 Plasma Nades - 4 Pulse Grenades Multiple power weapons have been tested on this map and I'm down to two variations of this map that I have yet to decide a final version. There is still much testing that needs to be done and more feedback returned. Power Weapons Updated: March 9th Variation #1:2 Mongooses (90 sec) - 1 Rail Gun (3 shots, 150 sec) - 1 Rocket Launcher (2 shots, 180 sec) - 1 SAW (no spare drums, 120 sec) Variation #2: 2 Warthogs (180 sec) - 1 Rail Gun (3 shots, 150 sec) - 1 Binary Rifle (3 shots, 180 sec) - 1 Hammer (no respawn) - 2 Plasma Pistols (180 sec) - - - Help test Stomping Ground I'm very interested in people that want to help test this map as I'm looking for as much feedback as possible. If you are interested, just let me know and we'll get some games going ASAP as I plan on testing this map daily for the next week. - - - Downloads 2v2 Dust-Up "2.1" (indestructible vehicles disabled) 2v2 Dust-Up "CTF" (3 caps to win, 15 second reset time, 5 second return time) Stomping Ground (final version) coming soon! - - - Screenshots
Well, isn't this pretty? Seriously, great job on a genuinely convincing urban map. From the video and screenshots, I was blown away by the look of it. I'd be happy to test it, because I would love for this map to play as good as it looks.
I'm pretty much awestruck. It simply looks like a streetscape, and it appears that you created it quite efficiently. From the video, the map seems to play well. I really look forward to testing it out with you.
Pretty much the above. It has the same "Fenix" feel I get from seeing the rest of your maps, and it looks rather clean. If you're going for the Dust-Up Tournament, though, why are you altering the settings? Indestructible Warthogs / Mongooses will be rather OP.. Now I really want to play in one of your lobbies...
I was expecting this to be a remake/spin off of one of the two Quake maps with similar names. Stomping Grounds doesn't quite decribe this map, but it's just a name... I don't like Variation #1 because of the Warthogs and the Rockets. I like vehicle gameplay, but not in a 2v2. It would take both players to operate it and with such narrow streets and lack of playspace for the Warthogs they just feel out of their element and are bound to frustrate players who try to get a spree going. Turf had a similar problem in my opinion. I would personally go with Variation #2, but with 1 less mongoose. The only purpose I would imagine the mongoose would serve would be to pull a flag, or catch up to a flag runner. With 2 mongooses it could turn CTF into a race instead. Ghost Town was great for 1 Flag and the mongoose added variety, but it wasn't always the best option. The Hammer isn't in either "variation" but I think it should go as well. It's a very close quarters map and a Boltshot or Shotgun would fit the niche better, and the plus side is that you can control the ammo count. Looks pretty good so far.
I just do not understand how you can make all your maps that always have a "controlled chaos" play to them. I'm amazed by it actually. But seriously, it looks like it will be a serious contender in the competition, but i'd have to play it to tell you which variation would work better. Personally, I would have the hogs, just because I'm more of a casual player. But this being a competitive competition, as nooch said, one mongoose might be your best bet.
I'm pretty much just awestruck. Yes, Fenix, yes I would love to help test this piece of city with you. I'll write some feedback once I've gotten some games on here. Excellent work, my friend.
Thanks for the feedback but I think you misunderstood with the quote above. The current official dust-up settings has indestructible vehicles: enabled. In my "2.1," I disabled them so they will blow up. I posted something about it in the dust-up thread and have not yet received a response but I think it was something overlooked b/c RST probably didn't think someone would attempt vehicles.
looks really awesome bro. I love city themed maps and you are really good at nailing the look. In my opinion, vehicles are always a plus whether it's 2v2, 4v4, 5v5, 6v6 or 8v8... that's just my opinion but I feel like vehicles should not just only be used in Big Team Battles, they need to be used more in smaller matches too and you seem to be one of the only ones that has the wavos to put them in maps. If the contest doesn't want the vehicles with their rules, just make sure you keep them for an alternate version. Great work man.
I agree with you for the most part here about it being a tournament submission. I don't disagree with anything you said but a couple things to note. 1.) Mongooses: I've play tested CTF and it goes very fast but the mongooses were rarely used b/c you can simply go the direct route on foot and possibly beat the mongoose going the street way. Plus do to the CQB nature of this map, getting on one is pretty risky as you won't be able to defend yourself if ambushed in route. While I'm not arguing to keep both, if I go with mongooses, I will probably just use one like you stated and put it on the street half-way. 2.) Warthogs... OMG I had so much fun with them on the map. The feeling you get as your speeding around the map is pretty sick as street lights are flying past you, you do a power slide around a corner and into an alleyway. It's really a rush of fun and I really, really don't want to give them up and if I can convince everyone else here how much fun they are they may not care about the competitive level of them. But, that cannot be overlooked so let's talk about the competitive level of the hogs. I think they are really perfectly balanced with 1 rail gun on the map plus 2 plasma pistols. The streets are tight but not to tight that you can't fly around the map with ease and rack up some kills. They should be looked at like a power weapon. The risk/reward of them is that they increase your effectiveness but make you a much larger target. Yes, it does take both players to use them and that's the way it should be. It's an "all-in" situation for the team and both heavily rely on each other for great skills in both driving and fast target-acquiring gunning. Like I said it's a risk/reward and favors more of the skilled warthog teams here. For me to not consider the hogs I think they should be a direct threat to the competitive level of this map and I think they are not. And let me say this... using them on this map was the FIRST time I had fun with a default warthog since Halo 3 days. All I ask is for you guys to look at it from all angles here and really consider what you're giving up. THANKS FOR ALL THE FEEDBACK EVERYONE AND HOPE TO TEST IT WITH YOU TO GET MORE DETAILED FEEDBACK.
My guess was that it had something to do with turrets, or that he wanted maps with those conveyor belts not to have blowing up noises. IDK. It took a lot to get instant respawn out of the gametype; not sure whether they'll change the gametype for vehicles. It'd probably be better to be careful and make sure the map works both ways, which I'm pretty sure it does, considering its size and vehicle set.
Yeah you don't see vehicles in any tourney unless it's a BTB tourney. It's a shame because vehicles add a whole new dynamic to gameplay, and I love seeing a Warthog or Ghost (in moderation, and if it works) in a 4v4 or 5v5 map.* If you want to keep a Warthog then by all means, go for it. I've never seen a Warthog in a 2v2 so it would be different, just don't let that be the deciding factor.* What would the respawn timer be? I'd suggest 120s.* I'm just against the idea of half of all players in the match being in a vehicle with infinite bullets. There may be Railguns and PP's which definitely help counter it, but the narrow streets and lack of playspace is really what nerfs the Warthog. I agree that Warthogs should be treated as power weapons. They're supposed to be. But in my opinion since it takes 2 players to operate then the two of them should net AT LEAST 5 kills, ideally they should net a bit less than 10. If it takes two to operate and they get 5 kills, then that only means they individually earned 2.5 kills. If players are not racking up more than 5 kills often then that may be a sign that a Warthog may not be suited for the map. Perhaps a Ghost would be a better option. Just because there is a risk vs reward factor doesn't warrant that it should be included. Also, saying that "you had so much fun on the Warthogs" doesn't mean much to the rest of us and isn't a good argument. You're better off using the risk vs reward and lack of playspace arguments to defend the inclusion of the Warthog(s).
just made my own version of this type of map, took a hell of alot of inspiration from it, but mines no where near as good looking as this, this is just uterly stunning!! one of the best maps ive seen forged in H4, congrats how it plays no idea but looks as if it plays well, you even did it so i put in an incineration cannon, ive never put one in any of my maps before!! so thanks for the inspration but yeah keep up the amazing work!! are you from UK? if so then PM and ill test with you, i ask if ur in UK cos of time change
It's no biggy about the warthogs... just keep 2 versions of the map, one with the warthogs and one without for the tournament (assumming they aren't allowing destructible vehicles). But you can't have a city map with streets and lamp posts this cool looking without a warthog to drive around.
Seen this on youtube, inspirational stuff, Had to download as soon as I saw it ha. You have captured an urban map really well and it looked like it will play well and had a nice layout with roads around and the buildings and nice aesthetic touches to capture the environment. Impressive work
This map has actually been redone a little and released!