Remake Cargo Facility

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by McD9134, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. McD9134

    McD9134 Forerunner

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    Cargo Facility
    Cargo Facility is a Remake of Halo CE's Hang 'Em High as much as Tombstone or High Noon are. This map works with all base gametypes and will surely work for almost all variants of them. I have spawn zones, weak zones, and anti zones. I would post a video but my capture card has stopped working so all I have is pictures, so here they are.














    I have under 300 budget left, and no more object on field left. I had to use structures for some of the objectives, but they all have been tested and work.
    #1 McD9134, Mar 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2013
  2. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Honestly it looks fairly accurate to the original, my only complaint is the actual tombstones. Using 1x1 blocks makes it look extremely clunky, and restricts movement in the bottom where you should be able to jump around and such.
  3. McD9134

    McD9134 Forerunner

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    where as I would agree, I can't stand the look of the alternatives for the pillars. and the ones I do like there are not enough of. the 1x1 blocks are just slightly bigger (by about 0.1 to 0.15) than the pillars in CE (compared to character size and jump height.) I spent along time in halo CE to create an accurate remake that fits with the items and game play of Halo 4 and prior to this I had done the same for reach (before the release of high noon that is)
  4. AussieForger

    AussieForger Promethean

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    i have remade this map with a mate and no ofence but urs needs a fair bit of improvement, some area's are way too big, dont have the right inclines, and yeh i agree that the 1x1 blocks dont really replicate tombstones too well, its not a bad remake but it does need a fair bit of work if u want to call it accurate. all in all tho its a good start. Add me on live if u want to c mine, ill show u. Peace
  5. McD9134

    McD9134 Forerunner

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    this is a screen shot of my computer monitor when I first mapped it.
    on monitor 1 I have Halo CE for the PC and monitor 2 I had Photo shop open with digital graph paper. I did change some things so it would work with the dynamic of Halo 4 a little better, along with budget and item amount restrictions. and the finished graphs.


    #5 McD9134, Mar 9, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2013

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