I guarantee that you will find this map interesting. This is my tribute to the game Portal and the Colossus map in Halo 2. There are juggling fusion coils in the center. Fusion coil mortar traps in the spawns. Golf ball KoH territories. It's a small close quarters map that is playable for most game types. I've really pushed the physics engine on this map. My XBL tag: MMaximuSS. Send a friend request if you're a serious forge nut. The map is in my fileshare. Needs a little polish, but please try it out. Be warned. Playing it may cause rage quititis. Lol. Camping could be hazardous to your shield. I truly believe that this map is very different and unique. How it plays is another story. That's why I need the community's help. Thanx. To be honest, I put a ridiculous amount of hours into this map, that I almost scrapped it because of the problems I had setting up the mortar traps in the spawns. Approximately 80 to 100 hrs. If you do download the map and want to explore it, I highly recommend putting your shield traits to invulnerable. It'll save a lot of annoying respawns, especially in the forge. If you grab any parts, make sure your rotation snap is off. There some parts that have minute adjustments to the x,y,z axis like the man cannons controlling the juggling fusion coils in the middle of the map. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Just noticed the lights go out on a teleported when I added the spawn camera. Trimmed some fat and uploaded it again. Minor change, but it stabilized the map. Switched some parts for crates instead. Tagged the map too:boom room