Any fans of open world games who are excited about this? I knew only a basic outline of the game until today when I finally saw the gameplay clip you can find here: Watch Dogs | Official site | Ubisoft All I can say is, WOW. The gameplay looks groundbreaking and different, especially in an open world context; if it's really as flexible as they make it look, that game will be amazing. And it doesn't hurt that it looks fantastic.
If the game is as good as the E3 trailer made it look, we're gonna have a GOTY contender on our hands.
I haven't seen much of it outside the E3 trailer (which looked amazing) so I'll have more to say about it when more gameplay is revealed.
My only reservation based solely off the video is the off-center camera. I'm not a fan of that, it makes me feel kind of sick for some reason (and prevented me from finishing Dead Space). I'd almost suffer through it for a game this cool-looking though. Hope there's an option to turn it off and do a traditional GTA-style centered view. The fact that the camera centers up when you're running around suggests that maybe my problem with it isn't unique, either.
I am intrigued by the game, though I hope it isn't too GTA like. I get tired of everything being based on running around, selling drugs, stealing, etc... I like to play the hero and I can't find a good open world city game that lets me be anything but a thug/gangster/etc... Gameplay looks really fun however. Can't wait for more info. E3 this year should be jam packed with good stuff.
I really can't wait to get my hands on this. E3 is going to be amazing this year with all the announcements of things (although I have heard from trusted sources that the Next-Gen Xbox will be announced in late April) Watchdogs looks like a lot of fun though, Just the interactivity with the environment looks spectacular.
I'm really excited for this game. I love all the details they added, they make the world feel alive...
I wonder how many individual animations they've created for the NPC's, because the less you see one animation, the more real the world will seem. I've been interested in this game since the first reveal way back when, and am definitely looking forward to it when it releases. Wondering whether or not it will be on current gen consoles, though.
Lol, thanks EW. Don't mean to be a stick in the mud, but you're aware that they could possibly be placeholder though, right?
They are holding preorders. I clicked their preorder link and that is what it sent me to so it is definitely on these consoles.