Should I wait to Forge in Halo 5 or Halo 6

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by The King of Hearts, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. The King of Hearts

    The King of Hearts Promethean

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    I think Im going to wait...

    To Forge Remakes until the last game. Reason is since 343i removed some of the previous gametypes and if they make any interesting Forge World maps in the future, my remakes will be on hold until they actually improve their skills and cater to both Competitive and Casual players.

    Im hoping in the future theywill take ideas from their fanbase to create the ultimate Halo along with that said, I am hoping they will return ALL the previous gametypes and keep the new ones they created in their next installments. Also I hope trhey remake some of the older maps that we all loved from the previous games as well as a parting gift for being with them for this long journey!!

    By the way, are there only going to be 2 more Halo games left in the series? If so do you think that both the Halos and Forerunners will have an equal part in the final installment? Im hoping so because traveling on the Halos was one of the best experiences I have had honestly!

    Sorry that I got off topic at the end though lol
  2. The King of Hearts

    The King of Hearts Promethean

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    Since the way Halo 4 has been, not saying its bad but a step backwards in Forge, do you think I should hold my ideas for the future projects or should I go through with it and make them?
    #2 The King of Hearts, Mar 2, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2013
  3. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Sure. If you care to wait that long, go for it. I don't quite know what other responses you're expecting to get with this.
  4. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I can't see what's holding you back at all. Sure, there are some issues, but it's not unworkable.
  5. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    You're thinking about it too hard imo. We don't even know if forge will be in Halo 5.. If it is (which it probably will be...), it'll probably change a lot since it'll be on the new Xbox. So, if it's something awesome that you think you can only make in Halo 4, then go for it. You'll probably end up coming up with something different when Halo 5 arrives, that's if you even buy the (possibly) $500-700 new Xbox.
  6. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    I agree completely. I understand why people can be disappointed with Halo 4's rendition of Forge (removal of certain nifty features) but it's still really easy to use. I actually prefer it to Reach's Forge, given the different environments and the abundance of Dominion/Extraction pieces that can be used to enhance aesthetics.

    Back on topic... If you really want to wait a year or two, go ahead. I recommend trying out your ideas in Halo 4. That way, by the time Halo 5 comes around, you could choose to improve upon what you've already built.
  7. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Waiting won't exactly gain you anything. In fact, if you want to improve that's a year and a half time lost where you could have been making things, making mistakes, and learning from the experience. Halo 4's forge really isn't a step back. Despite some features being removed there is still almost all the old opportunity to build things as a lot of new ones, so I would recommend you get started now, you can only lose by waiting.
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    King - you seem to keep posting threads with very similar thoughts in them, and honestly I'm not sure they all need to be new threads in the first place. You might just want to limit yourself to this one, or alternatively, try the Halo 4 Discussion thread, since it seems like most of what you are posting about could easily fit in there.
  9. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    The way I see it, it's not about saving projects and stuff like that. It's just a game to play. forging is playing it. If you find it fun and want to do it - do it. If you don't - don't. I just try to see what the game has to offer and take advantage of it, seeing as I already dropped $60 on it. If you can have fun forging remakes in Halo 4, do it. Personally I think the core of the game is solid enough that it can play remakes in customs really well. Obviously if you want a default format that matches the original experience you're out of luck, but that's why you're remaking the map - to experience it in a new environment, right? I remade Narrows and then decided I didn't like the sightlines with a DMR on the field so I changed it. I mirrored the lift side so it's symmetrical and has four lifts. It's not a perfect remake or anything, but I enjoyed forging it and I enjoy playing on it, so I guess that's the gist of it. Do it if it's fun. Well, and not illegal. You know.

    But yeah, I don't think saving projects makes sense. Live in the now. You never know what the next titles in the series might bring. We could see a full terrain editor. We could have the capacity to make picture-perfect remakes in 2-3 or 5-6 years from now. We could lose forge entirely. Hell, 343 could tank and the next two titles could get scrapped for all we know.

    I say do it - forge like crazy and release remakes of every map you want to. Then do it again every title release. You'll get better at forging them with each iteration, especially if 343 plan to keep us on the same object palette for the next 7 years lol
  10. The King of Hearts

    The King of Hearts Promethean

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    Alright and thanks for the replies guys and sorry for the feel of posting the same thing.
  11. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What you could do, is just stop forging, and start
    *Shameless contest plug*

    Just do whatever- I haven't finished a map in Forge since Reach, and I feel indifferent about it.
  12. RpgNick

    RpgNick Promethean

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    I'm pretty sure you can pick a copy of Halo 4 up for half the introduction price now, campaign and matchmaking are great. You could learn some new tricks and techniques to do stuff you thought you could not do, and the experience won't hurt. :)

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