None of my objects are staying in place...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jordan117, May 25, 2008.

  1. Jordan117

    Jordan117 Ancient
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    The problem I was having with my bridges seems to have spread to other objects. Now, many of the walls and double boxes that I place are changing position slightly after saving and returning to the map later. The problem is affecting both new objects that I place as well as existing ones (which used to be straight but are now rotated a bit themselves).

    This may not seem like that big of a deal, but like my sig says I am a mapmaking perfectionist and these little changes really bug me. Not to mention the fact that some of the larger things I'm constructing require objects to be as even and aligned as possible in order to avoid gaps or overshoots later on. And of course having much of the structure of the map being uneven looks sloppy and unprofessional...

    Can anybody replicate this? To do so, just take a double wall or a bridge and place it on the ground in Foundry so that its edges line up perfectly with the little notches on the floor. Save the map, quit, and start it again -- if this is not just affecting me, then the object you placed should be tilted or rotated noticeably relative to the notches on the ground. If you try this, please drop by the thread and let me know what happened...
  2. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Are you 100% sure you let go of the item? And that it is 100% straight when you lay it down, not just from the certain angle you are at. Sometimes you think something is straight, but it's only straight relative to your position or other objects. Other than this, I haven't really heard anything man, does this happen to you on all maps your forge on, or just foundry. You use FMGC or just canvas? Maybe it's a bit glitched.
  3. Jordan117

    Jordan117 Ancient
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    I'm one hundred percent sure I let go, and that it is perfectly straight. Absolutely certain about that.

    I haven't tried it on other maps yet, but I will the next time I'm on.

    I'm using Bungie's standard canvas map.
  4. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    are you laying them ontop of other objects and "applying pressure" by using the right stick and forcing it on the other object?

    a similar thing happened to me when i did it. I think that the object i was forcing on deloaded when the game ended making my object move.

    not sure if it happened to you tho.
  5. Jordan117

    Jordan117 Ancient
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    You might be on to something. I do press objects against the ground and against adjacent objects to make sure they're flat, since everything you pick up has a bad habit of jumping off of the ground and moving towards you. I'll try placing an object without pressure next time I'm on and let you know what happened.

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