\.~``~..~``~..~``~..~Corridor: 23~..~``~..~``~..~``~./ __________________________________________________ ____________________ _______________________Team NoseyNaux- Corridor: 23_______________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________ Another map brought to you by Team beingTOOnosey and GridNaux. This is the most unique of all the maps we've created so far. It features some of the most innovative tricks we've brought to the table, and it offers a few giggles along the way. So, take a look through the pictures, and give some feedback. If you can possibly tell me how this map is total crap and how I can fix it, then I'll be more than happy to hear what you have to say. We're always open for suggestions and improvements. Thanks a lot, and I hope you love it! __________________________________________________ ____________________ _______________________Team NoseyNaux- Corridor: 23_______________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________ Firstly I'd like to note that we've NEVER put a Rocket Launcher on a map before. We've always considered it just too lacking in skill to really benefit our maps. That being said, we tried it this time. We tried lots - I mean tons - of new things. This is our very first non-symmetrical map (or at least the first one we'll claim). We chose an entirely different weapon set than our standard to grace all three floors of this playhouse. You'll find very little BR lying around. BR is both my and Grid's favorite weapon, and we abuse the crap out of it. When we started this map with innovation in mind, we decided that we'd mix it up a whole lot. Hopefully, that idea worked out for us. __________________________________________________ ____________________ _______________________Team NoseyNaux- Corridor: 23_______________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________ A few pictures for your viewing pleasure: Main Room First, let me describe the main room. The direction from which the picture was taken is the Attacker's base, and the gap between the Single Box and Wall that you see is the entrance to the Defender's base. The Fence Wall closest to the smiley face is an entrance to the lower level. There are a total of 6 passages out of this main room, and I'm gonna show you every last one. Fence Room Here lies the Defender's base- Aka, the fence room. This map is comprised of three sections- one being focused upon boxes, one being focused upon walls, and this one which focuses on fence. I absolutely love how it all ended up flowing together. Downstairs Main Room Now this part is the juicyness. Remember the drop down from the main room? This shot is taken as if you had just dropped down that hatch and were looking straight forward. You see a room in the front with another drop down, and a path to both the left and right. The drop down leads to the lowest of all the floors which you must crouch through. Going down there may seem pointless, but that's where the Shotgun - and a few guaranteed kills - lies. The path to the right leads to the Attacker's base, and we'll discuss the path to the right in a minute. Tunnel Network This is the first thing you see if you're an Attacker. Their spawn is just to the left of this picture. What you see here is where the tunnel to the left (last picture) leads up to. Going down, however, you have three options: *You may go straight and hit the main downstairs room. *You may go down the small ramp to the left which takes you "underground" to Shotgun spawn. *You may go right to the small room from the tunnel that hosts the Mauler (to be discussed later as well) Main Room Entry Simply a better picture of the drop down from the main room that you saw earlier. I got this so you could see the dynamics and how much room we were workin' with. Fence Room Entry And finally, the path that led to the right. From that point, you reach a dead end which can only be used by those who spawn in the Defender's base. From that point, one falls on the map's only Bubble Shield and is given a quick route to the main downstairs room. "Crouch" Level Entry #2 Directly behind this picture is the Beam Rifle spawn, if that helps at all. This little guy was not originally in the plan, but as we wanted to change the gameplay around a bit and not have the same staircase fashion as before, we came up with this. It's simply a drop down to the very bottom "crouch" level. Now, there are two ways to get up from here. Where you land, the jump is only one box high, meaning that a grenade jump gets you there perfectly. However, if you don't want to waste a precious frag, then you can pick up the nearby Flare and equip-jump your way back to solid ground. Mauler Tunnel Now this little doo-hickey came together quite oddly. We had a space and had nothing to do with it, and instead of just throwing up a wall, we wanted to keep the same flare of innovation that the rest of the map held. With that in mind, we popped in a slanted tunnel. The wall you see there is perfectly walkable. There's not a bump, even if you're lookin' for one. Head down that tunnel, and find yourself camped in a small room with a Mauler. From there, you can unleash hell upon your unsuspecting enemies just around the corner. __________________________________________________ ____________________ _______________________Team NoseyNaux- Corridor: 23_______________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________ Weapon Set: (3) Battle Rifle - 30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips (1) Shotgun - 120 Second Respawn - 0 Spare Clips (2) SMG - 30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips (1) Plasma Pistol - 45 Second Respawn (1) Brute Shot - 45 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip (1) Rocket Launcher - 120 Respawn - 0 Spare Clips - Place at Start: No (2) Mauler - 45 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip (1) Beam Rifle - 120 Second Respawn __________________________________________________ ____________________ _______________________Team NoseyNaux- Corridor: 23_______________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________ Equipment Set: (3) Spike Grenade - 20 Second Respawn (1) Bubble Shield - 60 Second Respawn (2) Regenerator - 60 Second Respawn (1) Flare - 60 Second Respawn __________________________________________________ ____________________ _______________________Team NoseyNaux- Corridor: 23_______________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________ I'm exhausted. This is my second map in a day. I already had several completed when I joined FH just a few weeks ago, and it's taking me some time to put 'em up. I randomly couldn't sleep tonight and saw fit for me to get two of these out of the way. This is the newest of any maps that Grid and I have made. We haven't started our next project yet, but that's probably because this one took so ridiculously long. ANY complaints and ANY suggestions will be gladly accepted. I'll take any criticism and work with it. I feel honored enough that anyone even looks at our maps. Have a ton of fun, and let me know if you like it! Thanks a lot! __________________________________________________ ____________________ _______________________Team NoseyNaux- Corridor: 23_______________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________ ______________________________________ Special Thanks goes to: GridNaux- Again, my Forging buddy, and the only person I'd allow to shove boxes in my face for two hours straight while I tried to do that freakin' smiley face. CookieKing23, Max, The Stick 13, Sharpestt, Overdrive, and many others for playtesting and constantly giving us feedback. Thanks, guys. LINKSORZ TO DOWNLOAD MAP
Thanks a lot, dude! They're only good because we take time. Each map takes at least 3 weeks to make alone. After a little more than a month, playtesting might be done, and then it's another few weeks FULL of edits. Mind you, other stuff is going on in between this such as tourney's and normal MatchMaking cravings. It helps a lot to span out the map-making process. That gives you plenty of time to chew on ideas of where to go from where you're at. It makes for a lack of concentration at school/work, but it's worth it when you see the finished product. Again, thanks!
posting frenzy. Map looks great, looks unique. My favourite of your maps. Looks suited for small FFA mathes. my favourite feature is the rocket spawn, that looks wonderful. I'm dling right now.
EXACTLY how I was talking about how Sector 7 turned into something much smaller than we anticipated, actually. We started this out to be a perfect 4v4 Slayer map. It turned out to be nice for Doubles, and slightly crowded for 3v3. It works best with FFA, but finally we at least managed a map big enough to accomodate teams. We always make small maps because of our burning desire to make our floors. We can't stand for someone to know where they're actually at in Foundry, because that ruins the flavor of the map being "your own." That being said, this one was the most fun. It took one hell of a long time, but it was worth it. It turned out great in my opinion. Let me know what ya think about it, bro! ___________________________________ EDIT::::::: There was a pic I left out. I thought my pictures were lacking a bit, and I was right. It's nothing much that you haven't already seen, but it's a closer look at one of the tunnels with a bit more description for those people who won't DL until you've seen every nook and cranny of the map.
That was an amazing post, and the map looks amazing for FFA. Do you mind if i request this for the review hub?
Not at all. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm not entirely sure what that is or how it works. I just post my maps, but sure, dude. Have at it. Epic indeed. Thanks, bro.
Thanks a lot, bro! I've nearly got my Custom Game count up to 2,000, and 80% of that is strictly Forging. Glad to know it pays off. Enjoy!
Nice interlocking, but some spots you could done some work on. I like the holes all around, makes it more complex and I lol'd when I seen the smiley face.
You can tell that you put the correct amount of time into maps that you make. I love this and I can't even tell this is Foundry.
Why thank you, my friend! The smiley face is epic indeed. HOLY COW. It thrills me to hear that. That's our exact goal with every map- to keep any player from knowing that they're in a Bungie-made map. We strive to make OUR game and OUR map. This is one of our best. Vatican just went up. The link is in my sig, check it out!
Wow you guys really just pump out the maps, dontcha? I like your guys style, it's pretty unique. Great forging once again.
As Grid said, these maps have been created for some time. I posted Solitary as my first map to FH just to see how ours compared with some of the others by the some of the community's standards. I've been quite surprised to see a lot of positive feedback. Our next one might not be for a while, though. I posted 4 of ours within less than 2 weeks. I think we might relax a little, and maybe spend a lot of hard time on the next one- make it somethin' to top the others, ya know.
the mauler tunnel is nicely done a normal open box isnt good enough for this map, it looks neat and i might giv it a try l8r