CORE A fully asymmetrical, room-based map initially designed for 2v2 Infinity Doubles. The version here is slightly modified to be compatible with the Dust-Up Tournament. A LITTLE BACKGROUND HISTORY I began work on this map in mid-November, last year, and posted it as a Map Preview around a week later. Soon after, I was lucky enough to receive such an overwhelming response from the community and was given a huge amount of feedback. The map itself has been through at least 100 iterations, being either slightly tweaked or drastically re-designed each time. As a result, I present to you the final version of Core. I can't really call it my own map, as it incorporates so many ideas from so many different people. People gave me good ideas, and I simply Forged them. For this, I'd like to thank all those who helped me during this long project; I couldn't have done it without you. GAMEPLAY The map is comprised of four main corners. Each corner has its own advantage and disadvantage, as well its own unique weapon setup. Gameplay begins with a rush for the Sniper Rifle, the most commonly respawning power weapon on the map. Teams can also choose to head for the Overshield instead, if they wish. Later on in the game, the Railgun and Sticky Detonator spawn at the same time, on opposite ends of the map. It is up to your team which weapon you wish to control. TOP LEFT: GREEN ROOM. TOP RIGHT: RED ROOM. CENTRE: COURTYARD. BOTTOM LEFT: BLUE TOWER. BOTTOM RIGHT: CONSOLE ROOM. WEAPON LIST Weapon | Spawn time | Spare clips | Place at start? Jet Pack | 75s | - | Yes Boltshot | 60s | 0 | Yes Battle Rifle | 30s | 2 | Yes DMR | 30s | 2 | Yes Carbine | 30s | 2 | Yes Light Rifle | 30s | 2 | Yes Plasma Grenade | 45s | - | No Pulse Grenade | 45s | - | No Railgun | 150s | 2 | No Sticky Detonator | 150s | 2 | No Overshield | 120s | - | Yes Sniper Rifle | 90s | - | Yes SCREENSHOTS Spoiler CONSOLE ROOM RED ROOM MAIN ROOM GREEN ROOM BLUE TOWER VIDEO Courtesy of Fenix Hulk. DOWNLOADS There are three versions of the map available for download, and all can be found on my file share. For this version, click here. For a version compatible with Infinity Doubles (Matchmaking gametype), click here. For a version compatible with Doubles Pro (Matchmaking gametype), click here. SPECIAL THANKS TO... Auburn, for helping me with the design. Dax, for doing loads of playtesting. SpinCycle014, for taking two hours out of his day one time to guide me through his suggestions. Preacher001, for helping me make my doors look better. Waterfall, for telling me Core looked sexy. AND TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO HELPED TEST... Behemoth Fenix Hulk Juanez Sanchez Katanga Knight of 0rder Nutduster Oasis Hurler Oli The G Sinogard suffocation49 xAudienceofone Cheers.
Hey, this map again. Nice to see you've released it. Sorry for not having played Core or talked to you about it for a while..I like the look of the new floors in the main room. Play on this with me soon. The description of your weapon set worries me. Spawning two weapons at the same time on a 2v2 map is generally not a good idea unless the weapons are very close to each other. What usually happens is that both teams pick up a power weapon, regardless of skill. That is, each team will go together for a power weapon instead of one going for each weapon. What ends up happening if both teams go for the same weapon is that the losing team spawns on the other power weapon. Did that make sense? You could rectify this by increasing or lowering the spawn times of the weapons by 15-30 seconds. Lowering the spawn times on the primary rifles would be cool as well, since you don't want players running out of ammo and the rifles don't get OP with a fast timer (they're starting rifles, after all )
i'll say to work on your rocks , they just dont look natural at all , well for me it looks like a fake rock .... Anyway the loadout seems to be balanced , nice looking map and i'll give it a try soon .
Wow, I cannot believe how far this map has come. Even the versions I tested are so outdated compared to the final iteration. While I can't say anything about this version, I can say that the version I played was great fun, and leaps and bounds above the first version you created. If your track record of alterations is anything to go by, this should be pretty brilliant.
This map is weird. It has come so far and I cannot tell if I am more excited that it's out, or more in wonder of what you'll do next. Core (not Coal!) is a strange 2v2 in my opinion. It feels wide open and with structures that don't necessarily provide a lot of cover. Still, the map has been beaten by testing and I'm glad to have been a part of it. It plays beautifully and tactically, all I could ask from a 2v2 map. Excellent work Kazzera. I look forward to what you work with next.
I really like the simplicity of the map's layout. The asymmetry and varied types of spaces are great. Each area is easy to differentiate from the others visually and players need to approach each area with a different tactic. The indoor/outdoor theme appears to work very well for gameplay and adds a great deal of visual interest. Nicely done.
Wow, I can tell how long I've been away from FH just by looking at your map. I'm glad you stuck to your guns on alot of your map ideas and made some of the old flaws work for you. It is truly impressive how far this map has come. I was starting to feel like our "help" was becoming more of a hindrance so it was probably good I haven't been around. Still wish there was a hint of cover on that wall walkway, but now that we are using sprint my old map forging concepts will have to change.
I tested this map not too long ago in a really long 2v2 lobby the other night. There were a couple issues (and some good things) that everyone seemed to pick up on: 1. No one ever touched the blue spawn tower or grav lifts except if it was to spawn. Never. 2. That window from red room needs to be opened up again. There were a bunch of standoff battles around that wall and an easier alternate path around that area would be great. 3. The ramp from console room going up and then down was abused. One strategy was to get a player to stay main room / green room, get the other to stay red room, and force spawns by console room / courtyard + trap the opponent in those two hallways. 4. Upper area in green room was only rarely traveled. According to one of the testers, it didn't feel like it fit into the map. The weapon set issue I thought would occur wasn't an issue, although that was probably a result of players not knowing the spawn times of the weapons. Console room had some excellent juking going on. That extra window is great. I have no idea if you're still working on this, but if you are, hopefully my feedback will help. You'll have to show me your next design, too
Downloaded this map. Game play looks decent from the video. Layout is pretty cool, architectural elements are solid. If I get a chance to play it in party I will give more feedback. Will try to forge it in the next few days...