CFT flag dilemma

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by tom mulks, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. tom mulks

    tom mulks Promethean

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    sorry for being a nuisance guys. because im sure this question has already been asked, and probably on several occasions, but i cant be bothered scrolling through the many billions of pages that are already up! so here is my dilemma:

    Im forging a ctf/slayer map atm and im trying to work out how to spawn the flag on the lower level of my map, but create the actual capture plate on the top level of my map...
    so on my map. you spawn top base...the other teams flag is located directly under their base on the lower level. then you have to run the flag back to your top level and back to your base again to capture it! atleast thats what i want to happen! but im having trouble doing this....maybe theres a secret with the data and/or spawn sequence im not getting. maybe its not possible to do at all! i would just like an answer so i can move on to my next map without dying from frustration over not completing this map. im sure many of u all know th feeling. can anyone solve this riddle/ re-solve this riddle for me!
    let me know!
    thanks heaps!

    p.s. it's NOT a 1 flag ctf game type. normal CTF.
  2. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    First of all you are not being a nuiscence at all, forge questions are okay and it's not bad to get help from fellow forgers.
    As for your situation (assuming it is set up the same as reach) you need a capture plate where the flag is captured and a flag stand where you want the flag to spawn at. I believe(don't quite me) that the capture plate is set to flag return. Not sure about 4 though.
  3. tom mulks

    tom mulks Promethean

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    hmmmm already tried tht one aye...first off had flag stand where i wanted th flag to spawn. set to flag return. and the capture plate at th base. also set to flag return...but when i tried it in custom...there were two drop points. but the capture plate at th base didnt work. and the flag stand i tried no flag stands, just capture plates. same deal. two points on th map available to drop off the either its not possible or its some trick with using the cap plates and spawning them different or labelling them different or tht data stuff under the spawn sequence property...which i have no idea its quite plausible for tht to be th answer...thanks for th quick reply man...i appreciate it...if anyone else has any ideas to fix th problem im all ears!

    Edited by merge:

    maybe label the flag stand different to the capture the capture plate will be flag return. whereas the flag stand / capture plate labeled normal ctf? so it only spawns th flag and nothign else...i havtn tried tht yet :S
    #3 tom mulks, Mar 5, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2013
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I don't believe this worked in Reach and I think it's the same in Halo 4. Halo 3 had separate tags for flag capture and flag spawn, which allowed you to set a stand where the flag would appear and a capture plate for capturing, and put them in different places if you want. Reach simplified this to a single tag for flag spawn and return; whatever object was tagged that way served a dual function, and to my knowledge it was not possible to divide the two functions between different objects. Halo 4 seems to be the same.

    One thing you could try is positioning the flag stand and capture plate on the same x and y axis, but with the flag stand on the top level and the capture plate directly below it on the bottom. The capture plate would be untagged (just a visual indicator to the player of where to go) and the flag stand would be tagged as the flag spawn. Then set the flag stand shape to a normal radius (0.5), top 0.0, bottom = however many units to get it to the floor below. The flag should spawn on the top level and you may only be able to capture on the bottom level. This is just a theory though, I've never tested it. And the waypoint for players to go to score might end up being in the wrong place and confusing.
  5. tom mulks

    tom mulks Promethean

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    thanks for the feedback ND...this brings me back to the age old question...why didnt they make it the same as halo 3? :p haha they get rid of 1 flag. now annoying...oh well...i see what u mean. ill give it a go! :D thanks again
  6. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    343 decided to "streamline" the game to focus on what they thought was important.
  7. tom mulks

    tom mulks Promethean

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    of course they did....well i messed around with th labels for a bit...i didnt fix it completely...but i got to the point teams flag spawned bottom under red teams base. and red teams spawned top base. so when u picked up either teams flag. to delivery point showed up...but only one would let u this instance red team had to cap back up top of their base (which is what i wanted) but blue team only had to take theirs from top red base to bottom blue base...which is a much easier route i might make the route from bottom to top more accessible...its a necessary sacrifice....ill post th map in a couple of days when iv finished with the tough ups and u guys can finally see what iv been jammering on about!
    the map is by no means a masterpiece hehe but it should be some fun with a 4 v 4 slayer or CTF :)
    anyway...thanks again all...and if anyone does happen to stumble upon the answer (although im pretty sure now, that it isnt possible) i would be very happy to hear how he/she did it. :)

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