hey everybody, this is Rocky here. Just trying to get into the community scene to have some people to play custom games with. Add Rocky4320 for either random custom games fun or just for a teammate in matchmaking.
Hello to you good sir. I suggest checking out the TCOJ and BIOC lobbies in the Community Customs sub forums if you want to play any fun custom games.
Hey, Rocky, good to make your acquaintance. Sky's right, some of the best games go down in the groups we have here. In addition to the larger BIOC and TCOJ lobbies, there are a number of other ones. I co-host both TCOJ and a smaller group lobby called FFC. Both of these are weekly run games, so you can count on us to be around. However, you can also try and gather some people up yourself by hosting a lobby or joining any other lobby, they don't need any fancy shenanigans like banners or group names. Hope to see you around.
Wait, there's two FFC groups now? Ah well I could never get mine up anyway. I'll probaly join once I get 4 sometime.
Hello, I'm SilentJacket make sure to check out the art and media section of FH, we got some pretty cool stuff