So, next month, Gears of War:Judgement comes out, what are your thoughts on this new addition to the GOW Franchise? IMO, I thought that they hurried GOW3 and made it suck, just so they could tie up the story. In fact, I dropped off all three of my GOW titles at Gamestop and said good riddance! But now, I find that I can't hardly wait for this new title to come out so that I get to do some curb stomping on those nasty Locust's!
I wasn't a huge fan of GOW3's campaign to be honest. I prefer a short and sweet campaign to a long and redundant "1. shoot locusts/lambents 2.repeat" style. There were some cool things in-between and boss battles, but .. i only played it once since it was so long. Although, I felt like they really stepped up on the multiplayer end of things, or at least I played it more this time around. Some of it was just "run around with a sawed off and shoot anything that moves," but the other stuff was fun. Horde was decent. I actually really liked being able to play as a locust, was a cool spin to things (don't quite remember if that was horde or not, but meh). Anyways, I know little to nothing about this new title... Guess I'll go google it now >.< Edit: I can't say I'm glad they've sped up the titles. I kinda liked waiting for each one, brought back memories. These days you gotta push title after title out, basically for the sake of money. 'Tis a shame me thinks, but eh, gotta keep up with the rest of them I suppose.
You thought they hurried Gears 3, so you said good riddance, but now that they are releasing another Gears game in the shortest time span yet, you are excited for it? What?? Anyway, I look forward to trying out the new spin on controls/gameplay/gametypes. I'm happy to see them trying different things instead of pooping out the same multiplayer every game like some franchises do... Edit: Gears of War: Judgment Multiplayer Free For All - Street - YouTube This video has me worried. That doesn't look fun at all.
This comes out next month? Huh...didn't even notice. I used to be the biggest Gears fan, but it slowly died off. I don't think this game is going to be much of a success so I'll probably buy it when the price gets chopped to around $20 shortly after the release.
GEARS OF WAR JUDGMENT: WORLD PREMIERE LIVE STREAM EVENT 2013 - YouTube Don't know if you guys watched the premiere last night, but what they showed looks pretty good. A lot better than that FFA footage...
Gears of War died 1 week after Gears of War 2 was released for many reasons related to Halo 4 except amplified.
I despise Gears of War because of Gears of War 2 lag & host advantage...holy **** there has never been a game in the history of gaming that pissed more people off from lag BS in multiplayer matchmaking than Gears 2. There have been people who have thrown Xbox consoles against the wall and broken Gears 2 discs in half, then taking a **** on them and mailing them back to Epic games. Gears 3 was pretty cool, the graphics were awesome (campaign boring) and they fixed alot of the lag issues since they added servers... but it still has lag problems with BS deaths caused by lag. So by the time Gears 3 came out it was too late for me to start liking the game. Although there is a good portion of scrubs, wiggaz, and wannabe thugs who are die hard fans no matter what Gears game comes out. Oh they love that gore and talkin' **** like they really shot you in real life. (scrub, scrub, scrub, scrub, scrub...SHUT UP!!!!) Worst community of players ever. Not to mention most of the people who play are on Mexican connections and you can't kill them from host advantage. No offense to my Mexican friends but you need better internet to play video games with other people from around the world. That goes for anyone on shitty DSL...tell mommy and daddy you need a decent cable connection or stop playing Spartan Ops and ruining the game for everyone. Gears of War: Judgement? No Thanks. Hey Epic Games... why don't you make a new Unreal Tournament and get back into the FPS genre you console money hungry scrubs!! //END RANT
Starship Ghost - "Worst community of players ever." Then, proceeds to insult Mexicans or anyone with bad internet connections along with the game developers. I sincerely hope you don't buy Judgement because that would mean one less person to ruin the game for others.
This game looks kind of sad. They just can't seem to accept that the franchise is bad now. I never even liked it to begin with. I got Gears 3 on sale to play with friends, and I hardly do that. I still havent even finished the third segment of act one in story. doubtful I ever will because I don;t care about any of the characters. The same things apply here, but i'll not be buying this one.
I had hoped that the partnership between Epic and People Can Fly would have breathed new life into the GOW saga, but after seeing the multiplayer footage, I am not so sure anymore. I had hoped that they would not take the hurried up approach that they did with 3, but that seems to be the way they turn these games out now. I guess I will try it out, just to say, I did, but I seriously doubt that it will garner the attention it once did when it was billed as the title that made the XBOX the reason many bought the system for in the first place.
So, you played 30 minutes of the third game in a franchise that you never liked to begin with and were surprised that you didn't feel anything for the characters? Sound logic. P.S. Just because you don't like a franchise doesn't make it bad.
Are you an idiotay? You make absolutely NO SENSE and you didn't comprehend one thing I said... what part of, "NO OFFENSE TO MY MEXICAN FRIENDS" do you not understand? You think me telling people with a bad internet connection that they need a better one is insulting. How about this... you insult me with your dollar store DSL. How would I ruin the game for everyone if I buy Gears of War Judgement?! Explain that one for me. What are you saying here? I'm on a slow connection? I'm going to get on the mic and talk **** like everyone else who plays the game? Which is what I hate about the community in the first place. What the hell is wrong with you? I sincerely hope you aren't that dumb and were just trying to make me look like a racist because you are a Gears fanboy.
No, I expected not to care about the plot. I did it mostly out of trying to learn how to play before hopping in matchmaking. You're also right that the fact i don't really enjoy it doesnt make it bad. However, i don't lie the game because it's like Mario Kart in Shooter Realm. You can be the worst player, but when you get an item (sawed off shotgun, boomshot, frags) you can pretty much boost your way to the top tier (kill everyone). It's just unbalanced. The most fun I've ever had was with all the weapon pickups off in a custom lobby. That was actually incredibly fun.
I understand that saying "no offense" after saying something offensive doesn't negate what you said. I wasn't trying to make you look racist. If you break game discs because of lag and rant about internet connections for an entire paragraph, then you'll probably be one of the people yelling at others in-game and whining about host in the lobby. Power weapons in a bad player's hands are easy enough to avoid/prevent. And the same could be said about any shooter with weapon drops, for example, Halo (RL, Sword, Shotty, etc). I can understand you not liking that about the game, though.
Hey genius... I didn't say anything offensive about Mexicans, you just aren't smart enough to comprehend anything I said. I'm not even going to try and explain to you what I said, because it's not working. Oh god, I didn't say "I" break game discs. I said THERE HAVE BEEN PEOPLE... as in OTHER PEOPLE BESIDES MYSELF. Lastly, if I was stupid enough to pay $60 and get Gears Judgement... I certainly wouldn't plug in my mic to talk to all the brainless retards who play it.
I have always felt like in Gears it was worse. In Halo 4 we've got that nasty boltshot, but we also can counter it with some nice ranged weapons. In gears there is that sawed off that you just can have and its tough to counter. The lancer is weak, the hammerburst is clunky, and the retro lancer is inaccurate. Anyway it doesn't matter. I won't be getting this game anyway. I 'spose I'll just head on out. It was good chatting with you, though.