We all know Halo 4's Forge is essentially **** with a couple bits of corn thrown in for good measure, but who remembers the OG Forge? This is pre-Halo, people! This is.. LEGO! Here's the skinny; YOU build something with Lego - anything you want, all entries are accepted. WE all judge, collectively. I haven't figured out how this is going to work just yet, but I'll get to that later[sup]1[/sup] ANY and ALL submissions are welcome! Technic or Classic, no build is too ambitious! Submissions MUST be original. [sub]* 1, Probably[/sub] FAQs; "What if I don't have any lego?" - Go and buy some! Better yet, Why don't you have any?! "What if I don't have any money?" - This exists, and you may use it, but you will be docked marks for using imaginary lego. "I sold my lego because I grew up." - That's not a question, and you're an idiot. Go have some fun you.. You.. Cyberman. "Can I use Mega Bloks?" - Spoiler /end FAQs Prizes will be decided eventually, and probably not very substantial.
Cool, contest, though I still think it's silly so many people hate the forge in Halo 4. It has issues, yes, but on Impact one can actually forge a lot more than could be done in Reach because of the new objects. Overall I'd say it is a little better than Reach, so if 4's is **** does that make Reach's an even bigger ****? I can't start yet, but when I'm home for spring break next week I might break them out. I've got a ridiculous number of bricks saved up over about 15 years, and it was because of Lego's that I got Halo 3 for forge. I may just use them all.
dude, I win by default > no seriously, I used to spend a shitton of time as a kid making things with legos
My mom had me give most of my legos away to the kid next door when I was a freshy in high school :C Don't know what happened to the rest. Anyways, legos were my life when I was a kid, 'tis a shame this thread wasn't made earlier, like, when I actually had access to legos
I used to have Legos. Lots of Legos. I used to build so many things with these Legos, like Legos space ships and Legos vehicles other Legos things. I wanted more Legos but couldn't get them because I didn't have any money, as I was a child. Then something happened and I stopped having my Legos. Now I can have more Legos as I have money, but would look like a weirdo if I went into Toyworld and bought $200+ worth of Legos. Also, I hate when people call Lego "Legos".
If I was still staff, everyone who pluralised "LEGO" would be perma-banned. Consider yourselves lucky. Well done for keeping the OP free from such heresy, pino. Awesome idea for a contest, though. Can't wait to see what people come up with.
No, but I was banned from a Lego display/event thing at the West Edmonton Mall when I was four because I refused to let other people have any Lego. There was a stress test for Lego bridges and god damn I was going to win. I've also updated the OP with some more FAQs!
Lego. You added an s. Lego is a noun used to note either the company or as an adjective to describe the type of bricks. Sauce: http://www.ericharshbarger.org/lego/faq.html
copypasta: Watches made by Rolex are “Rolexes”, Apple computers are “Macs”, shoes made by Puma are “Pumas”, cars made by Audi are “Audis”, portable video games made by Nintendo are “Game Boys”, by the same process toys made by Lego are “Legos”. Get rocked!
Wrong... Legos is an americanised term. Lego is adjective for the blocks, or proper noun for the company. Every other country understands "Legos" is a stupid word and sounds dumb. Lego Bricks is the proper term. Please use it