For Runescape.. This is amazing, for any game it is. This video is an promotion for the quest coming.. And just now, the history of the game is clear and easy. But hey, just watch. See for yourself if you want, just wanted to drop it off here. The Origins of Gielinor - YouTube And here is the BTS video (Behind the Scenes) for the quest guys! It looks really good, what do you guys think? (Especially the Guardians of Guthix, even Death himself is an guardian!) BTS42: The World Wakes! - YouTube
This game died long ago, but especially when they added in their skill tree stuff, or something like that.
Yes, the game is reviving itself. I suggest you go read the restrictions though, we didn't reach the 750.000 votes, but we recieved amazing support from the community, and Jagex is amazed.. Maybe the consider to make it fully free, probally. Here is the page Zatherla! : RuneScape 2007 Server Poll – Vote now finished And this new quest they got coming, is going to blow minds, im sure. I might turn member to complete it, it is going to be epic if they make such an video just for the quest. We will see
I would assume so. I don't think they have all the data of everyone who was playing at that time. If this is the case, I won't be starting again, even though I absolutely loved the game when I was younger. I don't have the time anymore, which is unfortunate, and is also the reason why the game is dying even though they're releasing so many better updates than before. Kids (and adults) can achieve the same satisfaction from other games in much less time than they can in Runescape. It takes hours upon hours to achieve anything substantial in Runescape, and quite frankly, I don't think people can be arsed anymore.
That's real, I used to like private servers because you could go from 1-99 in a matter of an hour or less....
Not sure what this quest is all about, but I miss runescape. Might play again. Anybody wanna kill cave giants or cut yews?
I just logged in on my old account (regular rs) and realized that I have no money and that all of my useful stuff is members only.... *sigh* I might want to make a new account and play with some fellow Halo players
Aha, yeah would be fun to play with you. I would, but my Internet company is really terrible and has made an big mistake. Because of that mistake, I will have no internet the coming days. I believe they will cut it off in the morning, and its to much work to put it back on, that is going to cost 3 weeks... -_- So yeah... Its a long story really. This quest though, is really important for Runescape. If you watch the first video, you kinda get it, the second one has some small teasers for the quest I am still rich Exactly! Would be awesome.
Oh man... Good times. I played it on and off for a few years before deciding it was too time consuming. It was good to fulfil my nostalgia, but anything past that wasn't worth playing. I felt like it became a waste of my time because I knew I would eventually quit again. Damn, I want to be younger again, so I can have all the time in the world!
I do not want to persuade you guys but... If you create a new account, you get an two week membership trial. Would be cool to play with you guys, im sure. Would be cool to gather all the forgehubbers that played Runescape, and just do it one more time
I made a new account, and it's been a while, but I noticed that the tutorial has been relocated from Lumbridge to right outside Taverly(?), which was beyond the gate that used to block F2P players out. Just wondering: how much of the world can F2P players see? I would play this game again to see how it is, but I don't think I'll ever pay for membership or play as hardcore as I used to.
Damn dude, that sucks. From what I can remember, I was saving up to buy the last piece of Rune Zamorak (red trimmed) armor. I had everything except the chest piece. The full set costs 2.2 mil. Took me a while to get. I was never a member, never will be.
True. Taverley is in fact for members, and when you make a new account.. You get an two week trial! So you will be located in Taverley, doing a tutorial, voice acted. The F2P people can not get past Taverley, get to Camelot, Relleka, Ardougne (Wich is apperantly pronounced as Ardoyn) etc. Edited by merge: Yeah! As an Free player that is really hard to get, the highest achievement for the Free player I think. Most Free to play people gain their money through Pking.. But now with the combat system, it has become harder. Members can earn money so much easier, I think I have about 15-20M still. Staff of Light, Whip, Dragon stuff etc. We really should do an final goodbye or something.. Edited by merge: The Quest is released for some days now, I might turn member to complete it I have heard it is the greatest quest of all time, not only of Runescape. And I am eager to complete it. The soundtrack is pretty good! (There are more, best one right here) And the story is so amazing... Memories of Guthix - Runescape Music [SOUNDTRACK] - YouTube For people who won't do this quest, and still want to know what happens.. I won't see this yet, I have to do this one for myself The World Wakes [LIVE] - RuneScape's Biggest Quest Ever! - YouTube (Anyone who doesn't have time and still want to know, I will explain the story way shorter for you, if you want )