Sovariant This 1v1 map is located between the ravine. I originally chose this location because of the effect it brings to the map. The mist from the water rises through the map making it look like steam. Weapons: DMR - 2 Battle Rifle - 2 Sniper Rifle - 1 (Not placed at start; 120 respawn w/ 0 spare clips) Pistol - 1 Incineration Cannon - 1 (Not placed at start; 180 respawn w/ 1 spare clip) Grenades: Frag Grenades - 4 Plasma Grenades - 2
NICE JOB! I've been dying to use this area! Your layout seems really simplistic and lack aesthetics and details but good for you for attempting to make something of this very unique area. I'd like to address your weapons: I'm confused about the choices here; DMR, BR and pistol are all initial loadout weapons and anyone who would want to pick them up is already using them. In a small 1v1 map you really shouldn't need them for extra clips unless you're just so good you can't die (time to dive off the side). I thought to myself, well maybe these would be good for a classic slayer game type but then you'd start off with the pistol so it's still redundant. I would suggest non-power weapons that aren't loadout weapons but change the way you'd play slightly such as the needler, scattershot, concussion rifle or sticky detonator. These make the match interesting while not one sided. Your power weapons don't suit the map either. If you want to keep the sniper rifle, fine, but its going to take someone with high skill to make proper use of it on such a small map, I would consider the Energy Sword. On the other hand, get rid of the IC. The map is too small for such a powerful weapon. The IC requires absolutely no finess at mid to close range so the person with one in his hands is a one man army. If you want a boom-boom stick consider replacing it with the rail gun. The RG has a much smaller spread and AOE so, while its a nice power weapon, it takes a moderate amount of skill to use. Now the nades! I don't have much to say about them except don't discount the Pulse nades, they would be great on 1v1 with these close quarters. You can use them to create choke points and cut off passageways. If you don't want 8 nades on the map I would replace two of the frags. Once again I really want to complement you on the location.
I agree with trauma monkey in that you should replace the IC. I think you should keep the sniper but replace the IC with a sword or railgun. Another thing, you should try to fix the aesthetics. Not only are they bland and repetitive, but it would be very difficult for a player to orient themselves. Add or replace the blocks with other pieces so different areas of the map can be distiguished more easily.
Most of the areas look super similar because of those tiled 4x4 block floors. The bottom of the 4x4 block has a much less noisy texture. Perhaps you should flip them over. Some of the ceilings look like they could be raised, too. There's nothing wrong with having loadout weapons spawn on your 1v1 maps, especially when they're at lower clips (1-2 spare). It allows players to pick up two primaries if they need. I do question the pistol, though, since people will either have a pistol themselves or have a plasma pistol / boltshot, in which case very few would pick up the pistol. You may want to decrease the spawn times on those power weapons. If someone is in the lead and hides with either power weapon, the other player has to wait a good deal of time to pick up the next incineration cannon / sniper. Power weapons in 1v1 tend to spawn much faster than they do in 4v4s and such for that reason. I can't tell much from the overview (because it's mostly 4x4 blocks), so I'll hold off on layout comments until I play on this. Kudos to you for forging a map in the Ravine.
The reason I put those weapons on map was mainly because I run out of ammo a lot. I'm looking into rebuilding this whole place with a larger variety of pieces. Thank you for your feedback. I hope to update this map very soon and share with y'all.