
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Chronmeister, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    A view of the beach and entry gate.
    Sniper rifle located inside circular building.
    A look at the pier leading out to the Rocket Launcher. (Destructible)

    Me getting my *** kicked, but a good run around of the map.

    b32 - YouTube
    I'm really proud of this map and I'm really anxious to hear how you like it. Please respond to this thread or message my xbox live us[SIZE=3]ername.[/SIZE]

    Edited by merge:

    I am looking for a good list of friends who play custom matches daily. I would like to get a good rotation of custom maps rather than the same old.

    Edited by merge:

    The more replies posted, the longer the map stays on their list.
    #1 Chronmeister, Mar 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2013
  2. TRAUMAjunkie

    TRAUMAjunkie Forerunner

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    This looks very interesting. I imagine with a small party its hard to find your opponent. It doesn't look like you put much thought into map flow and choke points but that's hard to tell from the screenshots alone. I'll add this to my list and DL it tomorrow night.
  3. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    TRAUMA JUNKIE, thanks for the reply, but you should really try the map before making any negative comments on it. There is a major choke point visible from the skyview in the courtyard with an energy sword in the center. I put alot of thought into this map and spent just as much time erasing as building to get it just right. It is small enough to be fun with only 2 people and great with 8. I hope to hear how you liked playing on it.
  4. TRAUMAjunkie

    TRAUMAjunkie Forerunner

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    Don't take offense, I was just giving my initial impression based on the screen shots, not negative comments. I would really like to playtest first before I make any extensive notes. Do you have any game play recorded?
  5. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Im trying to figure out how to post a video from my fileshare now. I tried that Halo captures site you recommended, but I haven't recieved an email response yet. Im not sure Im entering the source correctly. I just entered the halo waypoint website screen that lists my video in my fileshare. (File Share Halo Official Site) If this isn't how im supposed to do it, I would really appreciate some help. I tried to use imageshack as well but it requires a premium membership.
  6. TRAUMAjunkie

    TRAUMAjunkie Forerunner

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    The guy running HC is pretty helpful. He'll tell you if he can't find your video. He should get beck to you in a day or so.
  7. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I recieved the links to my video. Now what do I do. The toolbar for thread posting looks like it only posts images. Do I use the direct download link or youtube link, and do I unzip the file. I'm kinda lost.
  8. TRAUMAjunkie

    TRAUMAjunkie Forerunner

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    Post the YT link as a hyperlink and it will automatically embed.
  9. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks, that worked. I hope to have a new map ready by tonight. It is in the underworld section of erosion. I am thinking of naming it either Green Hell or Heavy Flow. Any suggestions.

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