Mini-Game Crash-up Derby

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by II FerGie x, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. II FerGie x

    II FerGie x Forerunner

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    Hey, some of you may know what Crash-up Derby is from Halo: Reach, if not I will explain. It's a mini game where up to 16 players fight for survival in Warthogs and be the last man standing in the hill. To eliminate players, you must knock them off the pit before they knock you off so be careful! The map was originally made by Darth Human so he Inspired me to remake a loved map from Halo: Reach to Halo 4. I've tried to make it as fun as it was and tried to make it identical to the original. Now for some pictures of the remade version!

    The map when it first loads up.

    The map when there is 1 minute left.

    The map when there is 30 seconds left.

    The Spectating box.

    Someone with a Sticky Detonator from the Spectating box.

    The pit.

    If you have any feedback, I would be very appreciated and take your advice. My File Share can be found here for quick download:

    Also thanks to 'Darth Human' who made the original and 'Devastater2010' who helped me along the way by uploading videos and making the cool banner up top.

    I might remake another Custom Map if people like this one so if you would like to see a remade map, tell me and I might consider it.

    Rent-a-Car on crash up derby - YouTube
    (Video not the greatest)​

    Map: Crash-up Derby
    Gametype: Rent-a-Car
    #1 II FerGie x, Feb 27, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2013
  2. Juggacly

    Juggacly Forerunner

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    Great remake, I loved this in Reach. Gewd job!
  3. II FerGie x

    II FerGie x Forerunner

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    Thanks for this. :) I really appreciate it.
  4. Quibbles

    Quibbles Promethean

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    Thanks for the remake. We played a lot of this in Reach. We weren't keen on the killballs and some other things so I changed a few things. My version had 1k+ downloads and if you want to see my changes it's still in my Reach file share.

    Yours works fine and we had fun tonight. If you are on the spawn point at the right time the killball wont appear but that's a good thing. Maybe could have let a bit more light in?
  5. II FerGie x

    II FerGie x Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback, I'll try to see if I can get a bit more light in but I'm busy at the moment with coursework and felt playing GoW3 at the moment. I'll try to see what I can do by next weekend.

    Edit: I've had a look but can't find how I could edit the lighting with a low budget. It might need to stay that way.
    #5 II FerGie x, Mar 3, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2013
  6. Faulk Smash

    Faulk Smash Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like fun! I'll give 'er a download next time I'm on. :)
  7. AussieForger

    AussieForger Promethean

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    seing as how this is a remake of the reach crash up derby maybe you could make one of ur own, looks good tho but un origional and has been done before, i have plenty of crash up derby's that i have made, add me on live if u want to see them

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