UNSC Infinity

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by ReGishWamikee, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. ReGishWamikee

    ReGishWamikee Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Hi everyone !

    There is the project that I Forge since December, UNSC Infinity.

    UNSC Infinity ​

    GamerTag : SnR Zaelkyria
    Map : UNSC Infinity Project

    Description : A really large ship forged on Impact..
    Not playable, it's just aesthetics.
    Forged with SnR Fal.

    Screen :

    Overviews :



    Side :


    View from above :


    View of front :


    View from behind :


    View from inside :


    Different parts of the ship :




    DownLoad link :
    [UNSC Infinity Project]

    Hope you enjoy ! :p
  2. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What is the purpose behind submitting a map preview and final map submission at the same time besides to spike your views?

    Anyways, looks very cleanly forge, nicely done. I haven't seen it yet, but others have mentioned about an UNSC Infinity map already made that is nicely done and playable. I don't know how yours compares but it would be cool if you could make this playable or a minigame for aesthetics maps seem to be forgotten about rather quickly.
    #2 Fenix Hulk, Feb 28, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2013
  3. ReGishWamikee

    ReGishWamikee Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I did not do it for that.
    I posted in both places because I was not sure that everyone was in the other section Forge.

    I still just 10$.
    It is the size of Impact
    #3 ReGishWamikee, Feb 28, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2013
  4. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    This looks sweet, like Fenix said it is very cleanly forged so Good Job! I've always tended to like forge bots/ships. So even though its only aesthetics, it still brilliant.
  5. ReGishWamikee

    ReGishWamikee Forerunner

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    I'm bad to Forge UNSC ... ^^'
  6. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    not only a great exterior, but you managed to include at least some authentic-looking interior. it's a shame that this uses all the pieces and cna't be played on, but in the end it's an artistic venture only. the fact that you used a game to do it is beside the point IMO.

    good job. maybe next you can make a scaled down version that is playable? but that is not a criticism of this aesthetic-only version.
  7. ReGishWamikee

    ReGishWamikee Forerunner

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    I will try to incorporate some gameplay in my next ship.
  8. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    sure, but keep in mind that playable and aesthetics sometimes take a different path when you realize one important thing. in order to make a worthwhile map (where if you use a piece, it's necessary for either gameplay or aesthetics) and you create an awesome looking ship like this, AND make the interior playable and balanced, you are basically wast ing pieces if you make the exterior look really good but never have a chance while playing to actually see it.

    perhaps that means, if you're going to do a ship that is playable on the inside, you also make a second ship, both having enough viewports to make the exterior of the other ship visible.

    if an angle is never visible, take the pieces away. for instance, if you have both ships parallele to each other, make only the view decorated which is pointed at the other ship.

    just some thoughts.
  9. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    Definitely hard to implement good gameplay in an aesthetic map... but for a simple gameplay of a Banshee Dogfight match, you don't really need anything but the Ship and a Bay inside with Banshees... if it's a team gametype, you either need 2 ships with bays or 1 ship with 2 bays, one for each team to respawn and get back in a banshee. For extra cover out in space all you really need is some rocks thrown around like the broken asteroid pieces to serve as extra cover along with the ship(s) themselves. I would think...

    To incorporate this idea into this UNSC Infinity map, you would have to like cut out a large portion of the center of the Infinity ship and delete the pieces...then move everything up to shorten the ship to give you more budget for Banshees and rocks. Turning the interior section into a banshee bay shouldn't be that difficult. But I would imagine the work involved making this ship shorter in length would be hell.
    #9 Starship Ghost, Mar 4, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2013

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