Could someone please explain to me what exactly is the core of Halo? I know that Halo 4 isnt all that great but it isnt the best honestly. I think that they should return with Equipment like in Halo 3 and bring back some Brute weapons and vehicles.
The 'core' of Halo was always its arena styled gameplay. The idea that you started on an even playing field as everyone else in the game and were able to acquire more advantages the better you were or the longer you were able to stay alive. Much of that was lost when they introduced AA's and loadouts into Reach and was only further corrupted in H4 with unlockable perks and deciding your starting weapon.
Interesting fact, Halo 4 is the first game out of the Halo franchise to not use any of the original coding from the -Blam!- engine used in CE.
So your saying its using something else rather than the coding in the Reach Engine? I honestly wish they would return to the core of the game rather making it different.
Halo CE used the -Blam!- engine Halo 2 used a modified version with some stuff added in, and some stuff taken out Halo 3 used a modified version of the Halo 2 engine, with some stuff added, and some stuff taken out this continued up to Halo Reach, which used a modded version of the H3 engine Halo 4 used the Reach engine, but all the original coding from the original -Blam!- engine has been replaced. In other words, up until Halo 4, all halo games had a chunk of the original code used in Halo CE
Well that explains a lot then. I would have stuck with some of the original coding honestly but whatever I guess. I hope they learn from these mistakes and honestly go back to the core of what Halo use to be because things like AA and having it play a lot like CoD is a joke, loadouts are not needed and having it play like it use to (Arena Based) was perfectly fine. At least it showed that people had to somewhat work together in the game to win. 343 better refine themselves and not half ass the next two games otherwise I will look at the Halo as a game that use to be great until 343 got ahold of it. Dont get me wrong I have hopes for 343 but honestly its make it or break with me in their next installment.
I agree that 343 went bait over the top with load outs , not the Armour abilities though, armour abilities was always a welcome addition in my opinion, even though now most of them are useless besides jet pack, camo and vision, maybe the Hardlight shield but like with armour lock, once the weakness is found, it is easily exploited. But I will respect your choice. No offence but ironically everytime I end up looking at one of your threads, it always seems to be something to do with you not liking H4. I admit H4 isn't what we thought it would be, but like you said, we should give 343 a chance. And who knows? Maybe 343 will act upon your wishes...
Core Halo is subjective. It was never about arena style play to me. That was a popular MP set-up for many first person shooters and was more a product of the time. Halo was all about the lobby and matchmaking it was about jumping all over the place to try and get a height advantage and throw off enemy fire one shot long distance and no-scope sniping throwing grenades at your feet while backing up trying to bring down shields as fast as you can with plasma and using magnum for cleanup hiding while your shields recharge crouching to stay off radars getting a sword and quickly switching weapons so nobody knew you had it until it was too late jumping while using rocket so you don't kill yourself spinning out in Warthogs or mowing down enemies with the gunners seat smooth lines and purple color palate of the covenant Those are the things that make my core Halo.
Going off of what Raw said, Halo could be serious and competitive, spontaneous and casual, hilariously fun, etc. etc. It was multi-faceted. Personally, I loved messing around with glitches, messing around with friends, and then forging came along and that was just spectacular imo. Then the thrill kinda died as my friends moved on, the game seemed to take a one way route, but, tbh, the (intentional or unintentional) genius that came from the first 3 halo series brought a lot of different people together.. and it's any wonder they lasted so long. The decline in the series was bound to happen, and in some ways, 343 is only dragging it on. The campaign is fun, forging has taken a slightly new route, multiplayer is more like other games (or at least it is to me).. so there isn't much that's unique about it now, tbh. So, the once Halo fans now flock to new hobbies and interests. tl;dr it was fun while it lasted, and it's given rise to cool forums like this, so yeh, it's far from ended, but it's just not the spark it once was for a lot of people, like myself. Partly because I was young and I loved this type of game at my age, and now I'm beginning to think I've grown over it. But w/e I don't mean to be a buzzkill for those who love the series still, so I, in general, stick to the non-Halo parts of this site..
Theseus paradox. It's all still Halo, Some people don't like some parts (like DMR,AA's,etc) Some people don't like Halo 3, Reach, Halo 4. It's all still Halo. I think a better question would be, What parts of Halo do you think are Fundamental and if they where to be changed would make it feel like its not Halo to you personally? Which to me is the leveling up system in Halo 4 where higher levels have access to more weapons and AA's and perks and when you enter a game you have no idea what weapons/AA's/Perks anyone else is using and not everyone has the same choices once the game starts. (Having all active camo loadouts when you need a jetpack, Pregame choice limits you ingame compared to other players, In Reach if jetpack was available everyone has the choice to use a jetpack ingame) It's still Halo but personally feels distant to what I've came to expect from a Halo game.
I know it might sounds I dislike the game, which I dont but i seriously hope that they fix the current issues and make things more interesting.I just hope Halo can come back again as a great game rather than being something else.