Ascetic Fileshare Link Map Description This is a symmetrical map inspired by cathedrals. The structures are simple yet ornate, have vaulted ceilings and there are four main areas: red base, blue base, purple base (“The Chapel”) and green base (“The Cathedral”). It can handle up to 16 players, but 4v4 is probably best since it’s a relatively small map. All gametypes are fully functional (except not up to MLG standards) and multiteam gametypes allow for up to four teams. As you can see from the pic below, the map uses mostly disconnected objects to make good flow space in a mostly flat area. The exceptions to the flatness (height 1) are the tops of red and blue base (height 2) as well the steeples and the top of the Cathedral (height 3). I thought this would be a good mix up from the standard layout of small maps posted on this site with multiple close quarter heights. Here’s a red guy firing from red base across the map. The warp at the bottom right (on top of the base) takes you to the steeple of the respective base. A sniper rifle spawns at ground level inside each base (180 second respawn time). Here’s blue base. There’s a front, back and top entrance to get inside. Both blue and red base are identical. A random weapon drop is behind the pyramid structure in the bottom left corner on each side of the map. This is the Cathedral. The ground level gives access from red to blue base and a rocket launcher initially spawns here (no respawn). As you can see, a one way shield was used on the front of this structure to direct players to the back of the level but still allow players to come out from under there to the center of the map. The top of the Cathedral is where green team (team 4) spawns, but can also be used by anyone to go across the map. The only way to get down from the top is to jump, so a trait zone has been applied to the entire level to make 0% fall damage. This is a side view of green base, with a mancannon at the bottom of each side to take you to the top. This is the entrance to the Chapel (purple base). Here’s the inside of purple base. Yellow team (team 3) spawns here in multiteam gametypes. A sword initially spawns in here too (no respawn). Here’s from the back looking out. Action(ish) Shots! CTF is designed for red base vs blue base, but you can also do purple base (team 3) vs green base (team 4). Yellow team is taking green team’s flag here. 2v2v2v2 CTF would also probably fun on this map, though I haven’t tried it yet. Here’s a guy holding a hill in the lower Cathedral. This map supports Dominion, which is different in that it’s on a small map. There are no vehicles, the number of resupply points are reduced (to stop power weapon flooding on the map) and the bases to hold are red, blue and purple. In the pic below, you can see that capturing red or blue base gets you a turret in the steeple and on the side of the Cathedral. Also, you’ll notice in the background another red shield. This is the back entrance to purple base via warp, which was captured by the red team in this pic. Here’s the back section with the warp going to purple base. There’s an Extraction point, Oddball spawn and Hill back here in those respective gametypes. Fighting floodz in the Chapel. So, I hope you enjoy the map and I definitely appreciate any feedback!
This map looks great. My personal favorite of the map is the purple base (and the use of the Colosseum windows), but the design of everything seems to have just fell beautifully into place for you. This map would be excellent for a Spartan wedding. Ha ha. I also took a quick look at "Glass House" and really enjoyed the concept and aesthetics. I would be very appreciative if you took an opportunity to look over some of my maps and offer some points of recommendation on design. I have been using some mechanics I refer to as "Blam! Ball" and my latest map is called "Phoenix", but it's still being tested. I confess I don't put as much into the appearance of a map as I do the functional qualities, but the look of your maps is making me rethink my approach. Phoenix is my most expensive map yet--using all $10,000 of the budget--so the original design had to be changed significantly due to 'cost', but I think it turned out pretty well. Would love to hear what you think, though. Gotta say it again; you sure did make a purty [sic] map.
Sword room looks very camp-able, which will distort map flow, also, you noted that the map was pretty small, and while i like sniping as much as the next guy, two snipers seems a bit much. Also, I wish you didn't build this on the forerunner structure, it creates a lack of heigh variation. Other than those things, the map looks pretty good ascetically, very well themed, and making this compatible with dominion is awesome, however im suspicious about how it will play on a small map.
Thanks for the feedback! Cake, I’ll take a look at your maps sometime this weekend and message you about them (unless you’ve already made a thread here I can post in). DC, I think I’ll move the rocket to the very back of the Cathedral and then place one sniper in the middle of the map. When it’s red vs blue everything will be even, and if it’s yellow vs green then each team will get a close range weapon on their side and then have to fight for the long range weapon in the center. And I know what you mean about the lack of height variation. When I was looking for a place to make this map, the Forerunner part was aesthetically the best place to do it since it’s the only part in pretty much any level that fits the theme I was going for, but the tradeoff was that it’s really flat. I guess I could try and move it to the other side of Ravine or something…I’ll think about it. I was worried about camping in the Chapel too, but given the layout of the map I think I’ve done all I can to prevent it. It’s a bit hard to see in the pics, but at the back of the room where the bright light is there’s a 2-way teleporter coming from the opposite side of the map, so that helps some. Also, when you first go in the front of the structure it splits into three different ways. I added a new picture to show that the middle entrance has a 2-way shield relatively close to the front, which gives some cover for the people trying to get in. To each side of the middle entrance (behind where it looks like the ‘doors’ are open) there are other unshielded entrances. The whole base has its own advantages, but I don’t think they’re unfair, just different than the advantages the other parts of the map have. I’m curious about Dominion too since that’s not currently a gametype set up on any small map I know of in matchmaking or otherwise, but if you or anyone else want to help test it out with me sometime then just let me know!