It's the moment you've all been waiting for! Well, not quite yet. Before we go any further, we would like to thank both the community and staff for being supportive and involved throughout this contest. And a special thanks to everyone who participated and submitted an entry! I know that Goat, Spin, and I had a whole lot of fun doing this, and we hope you guys did as well. Now is the moment you've all been waiting for! Third Place | Safety First | Elliot Coming in at third place is none other than one of our BIOC enthusiasts, Elliot! He was given the task of creating a map designed around multiple buildings whilst also incorporating a unique tunnel system. He managed to accomplish this task with ease while also producing a mighty fine sketch, if I do say so myself. Second Place | Project_Geminurf | Skisma Staff are corruptz! Oranges aren't allowed to win community-run contests, right? Don't worry folks, I wasn't paid off to get our friendly moderator Skisma on the leaderboard. If that were the case he'd be sitting pretty in First Place rght now. But as you can see, he's not, since I wasn't paid (hint). Skis did a very nice job combining aspects of two classic maps from Halo 2 - Gemini and Turf - while at the same time creating a new and unique map entirely! Check it out. First Place | Fat Kid by highway9, dreaddraco2, boomerdude, ♥ Sky and RST | Auburn Longest map name I've ever seen. Ever. And this, ladies(?) and gentlemen, is why Auburn wins. No judging was involved. No pictures gazed upon. No anything. The sheer glory of that beautiful map name resonated deep within our hearts, warranting an automatic victory. ...totally kidding. Despite its glorious name, Fat Kid by highway9, dreaddraco2, boomerdude, ♥ Sky and RST was judged accordingly. Auburn was able to come up with a very interesting map design given his set of constraints, as well as create a clean, detailed Sketch-up to go along with it. Congratulations on First Place! Now, how about those prizes! As stated in an earlier thread, the First Place winner has the option to let Goat, Spin, and myself forge the map design if he chooses not to do so. However, Auburn, if you'd like to forge the map yourself, we'll transfer that offer over to Skisma in Second Place, and then onto Elliot in third. In addition to that, we've got a pool of prizes for each winner to pick from! First Place gets first choice of 2 out of the 5. Second Place gets to choose 2 out of the remaining 3, and finally comes Third Place, receiving the last remaining prize. Custom Title GIF Avatar A beautiful serenade from our musically inclined FrozenGoathead band A reading of Green Eggs and Ham by SpinCycle via kinect mic The true winner out of the group, a 4 picture photo album of the glorious Dax in his natural habitat. Picture titles include: Long Hair, Short Hair, Drunk, and YAY! And that concludes our Map Sketch Contest! Again, thanks to everyone who participated. For those who didn't quite make it into the top 3, all the scores were extremely close, many actually came down to just a few points difference. If you'd like to see the individual scores, we'd be more than happy to share them with you. Happy forging everyone!
You were one of the people I saw in the chatbox when naming it, Sky, hahaha. Thanks everybody. Congratulations to the other winners! Erm, I will take: The GIF avvy was tempting, but I love my current one too much. EDIT: Wait, if I take the CT, can I get teh rainbow text?
Congratulations to all the winners! Every one was totally deserving. Now that the contest's over and the winners can finally decide if their map is being forged by someone else or not, I'm really looking forward to seeing all these sketches become fully-fledged maps.
I feel like I should have won. Edit: That moment when you think about something you said hours ago in a joking manner and wish that you hadn't said it. In all seriousness, congratulations to the winners.
Congrats guys! I learned from this, and had fun doing so. Im looking forward to see every single map forged. Was a nice contest to participate in, one has got to be your first. Great job everyone.
I asked **** and he never responded, so I would assume that's a negative. I'd just like my first two choices then.
Congratulations to all the winners and to everyone who came out and made a sketch. I really hope people take advantage of all the perks of pre-sketching, and therefore create higher quality maps. Even if you didn't place, you still in a way won. Now who wants to hear me sing <3
I do, but I can't. Congratulations to Auburn, Skisma, Elliot, and everyone else who participated. I'm really glad to see high quality sketches, especially from people who I haven't seen sketch before. I hope you guys keep sketching.. EDIT: Skisma, we will forge your map if you'd like. Auburn wants to forge his.
Haha, I'd imagine he won't take the CT and GIF avvy... I'll message him to make sure he actually knows the results are out
Sorry I'm a little late guys, lol. Congrats to Elliot and Auburn! I had a lot of fun with this one guys, thanks for putting out a great competition. Here are my choices, although I do love my current avy... Hopefully Auburn wants to forge his map It could be months before I even get to building mine, lol.
Awesome, am I left with the Custom Title? I am currently forging my map, but if I give up I will let you guys know and you are free to forge it
So I just started a new class and my first assignment is to build a UT Deathmatch map in UDK. I decided I'm going to build Geminurf! Don't know if ill ever get around to building in in Halo though:/