Description:Snipe Your Enemies Down Or Just Kill Them! Weapons Are Everywhere.Take As You Go.2-8 Players. By ActTehKiLL Screenshots: Overview 1: Overview 2: View of Floor: View of Bottom Level: MapLocation/Link: Tips To Map: Use BR's and Sniper Rifle. Hide Behind walls when Sniping. Sorry i know this is my second map post but this is the first map i made in Halo 3. I dont think i have Interlocked anything within this map. THANK YOU FOR YOUR VIEWING!
*Jaw drops* *physically closes jaw w/ hand* looks incredibly fun to play on. can't w8 2 get a headshot across the map.
this reminds me of lego starwars for some reason, but any way who ever gets the sinper rifle is automaticly MVP
Woah, this map oddly reminds me of Prisioner and Boarding Action for some odd reason. Oh wait, probably because there is a lot of stories and that it is great to have the sniper. GREAT JOB MAN. I'll have to give it a try. Prisioner and Boarding Action are my favorite maps.
ya, i kinda feel the same way, i feel that whether or not you own the sniper, if you're on top of the map, you own it...either way, the non-interlocking looks really good, not bad for not really using any advanced forging techniques aside from floating objects
I love multi-storied maps, but it looks a little too empty to me. You know, empty as far as cover goes. Still, it's very nice.
Wow this looks like it'll have really fun gameplay. Did you ever try to play SWAT or Shotty Snipers on here?
Actually i tried shotty snipers on this map with my 4 of my friends and actually if you have sniper on top and shooting down the people on the bottom can still knock people off by body shooting and throwing frags up and shotty is only used on bottom floors and around the open single boxes. SWAT is also really fun if you raise the winning score to like 100
Pretty good map. I like the concept of using multiple towers and making it a sniping map. There are a couple of spots that are a bit messy, but they are hardly noticeable. Good map.