Hi everyone, i'm here with a new flood map based on a Spartan VS Flood concept on New Mombasa, recreated on Landfall. Halo 4 Map - The Outbreak: New Mombasa - YouTube Spartans With strong shields, equipped with an AR or a BR, they are mighty foes for regular floods; Floods need 3 hits in order to kill a full shielded spartan; Can call in ordenance drops. Equipped with a radar; Always visible to Floods. Floods Floods are as strong as they are in the Halo campaign and they have 5 different classes to play with: Combat Form Equipped with shields with slow recharge rate(75%); 90% Damage resistance, can survive 2 sniper shots before dying; High Jump(125%); Can drive vehicles. Fast-paced Form Equipped with a speed boost; moves faster than other flood forms. Shielded Form Equipped with an Overshield; significantly stronger than other combat forms, can even survive two shotgun hits before dying; Weak against plasma based weapons. Rampant Form Equipped with a Damage boost; Can kill even a fully shielded Spartan with a single hit; Rampancy last only for the first 30 seconds; higly visible. Ranged Form Equipped with a Turret; It's the only Flood capable of ranged shots; Slow compared to other flood forms. Download Map: File Share Halo Official Site Download Gametype: File Share Halo Official Site Rate and comment sorry for my english
I was thinking of making a map for any of the Majestic maps, but couldn't think of anything. This looks veeeeeery fun! I wasn't aware Flood could carry turrets. Very cool. BTW, the canvas map is not Erosion. Probably force of habit.