
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Yama, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    Please watch the video in full to understand the mindset behind the map and it's many intricacies:

    Halo 4 Competitive Maps | Dusk - YouTube

    Dusk is a smaller competitive map focused on 1v1 gameplay and supports up to 2v2. Aesthetically pleasing set pieces and competitive fundamentals are unified to form an overall enjoyable map.

    This project started as a sketch on notepad paper and has since evolved into what you now see. Through multiple rebuilds and refinement, it has came into it's own as a successful smaller map. Different from most of my other creations, Dusk is highly centered around structure. If my other maps gained any inspiration from Lockout, this one gained it from Ivory Tower.

    All tiers are accessible through various routes with both basic paths and trick jumps available. Like most competitive maps, the more you put into it the more you'll get out of it. There is much trickery to be had, yet enough open space and vivid lines of sight to end it with precision.






    #1 Yama, Feb 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2013
  2. xTheGreyWolfx

    xTheGreyWolfx Promethean

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    From what I can see it looks like a very neat map. Reminds me a bit of reflection but obviously has huge differences, so that's probably just me. Nice job :)
  3. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    This looks nice, but way too small for a competitive 2v2. Maybe even 1v1. I just don't see any safe places to spawn, I an only imagine how insanely hectic a game here is.
  4. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    Thanks, glad you both like the look of it. It's main focus is definitely 1v1 and it works well in that area. There is more space than it seems, the images are a bit misleading.

    Your worries in regards to 2v2 are warranted however, it wasn't the maps intended purpose early on and could go without supporting it. The option can always be dismissed however.
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I feel the same. After watching the video it seems like 90% of the map is basically a single large-ish room with little cover. You have a couple of corridors on the sides that are small and quickly feed back into the main area, and the lift tunnel which does the same thing. It seems like overall any conflict is going to lead directly to another conflict as soon as your opponent respawns; for 2v2 play I imagine it would be non-stop action from start to finish. With instant respawn I would think this would just be pure chaos.

    Beautiful aesthetics though. The map looks like a million bucks. But I think it needs a little more segmentation/separation between areas so that players get a few seconds to breathe once in a while.
  6. AssaultCommand

    AssaultCommand Ancient
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    Ivory Tower.

    That's what it reminds me of. You seem to have captured it's essence better than the actual remakes people make of Ivory Tower even though you may not even have been thinking about it.

    9/10 for the map, not a 10/10 as I can already foresee some flow issues when there's a FFA with 4 or more people, but I realize that might not be what it's designed for.
    Definitely giving this a download.
  7. CrafiestBeef

    CrafiestBeef Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this kind of map really makes me want to forge on ravine more
  8. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    Very nice little map there. I love the water tunnel there.
    I think it is possible to make the stairs look the same as they they do while providing a smooth ascent. I remember in Reach people used this trick for stairs. Find something with a hitbox bigger than the object as it appears, and hide it under the stairs, so that only the smooth invisible surface is sticking out.

    I'm not sure what all pieces have this in H4 other than rocks and the grid. I used the grid for this in Ghost Town but obviously its way too huge for your purposes. Rocks in ravine have a much bigger hitbox than you see but I'm not sure about the Ravine rocks. Maybe some forge pieces, look for something with a recessed surface that feels smooth to walk on.

    If you want a visual idea of where the hitboxes are on items go into game mode (doesn't work in forge) and shoot them... you'll see the bullet holes hovering in air if they are bigger than the item looks.

    Nice map though, I just think the bumpy stairs are an opportunity for improvemnt.
    #8 Indie Anthias, Feb 5, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2013
  9. Insanem0nk

    Insanem0nk Promethean

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    well done, I really like the waterfall and I've always wanted to include that, you've done a good job of that. just wondering, how long did it actually take you to do this remake, i just started forging and I wanted to see how long everyone else takes to making their maps
  10. AssaultCommand

    AssaultCommand Ancient
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    It's not a remake, he only said he got his inspiration from Ivory Tower.
  11. Insanem0nk

    Insanem0nk Promethean

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    sorry i meant map, not sure why i said remake its 3am here lol
  12. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    Thanks for the comments and input, glad everyone enjoys it.

    Indie, I'll definitely try to smooth them out a bit more. Hadn't forged stairs before, thought that was as good as it gets. I see what you're talking about however in regards to the invisible hit boxes, great tip.

    As for the Ivory Tower feel, glad I'm not the only one. Completely unintentional yet welcomed.

    In regards to the amount of time, I honestly loose track. Each map varies, can't put a time frame on any of it really.
  13. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
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    Try the tin cup for under the stairs. Tin cups have a very large hitbox. People actually float on them when they try to walk across it.
  14. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    I like this map, I played a couple 1v1s on it. I felt like it was a rectangle with awesome scenery, with two paths to fight for the high ground on the map. Its a fun map, theres more than two ways to the middle, but I felt like there could be more out in the open area, instead of just rocks and such.
  15. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    I'd just like to say this map greatly benefits from the recent TU. The ability to instantly respawn was never intended or accounted for and with that glitch patched, the flow of the map is greatly improved.

    As for other edits I smoothed the stairs a bit, impossible to get caught on them. Still a hair bumpy, couldn't get any hit boxes to work underneath.

    Added the download link to the OP thanks to the file share being live.
  16. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    I REALLY like the look and feel of this map! Haha, aesthetically this map feels like "futuristic Aztec ruins" (if that even makes sense)! You've put out some really great work so far! Can't wait to see what you've got in store for us in the future!!!
  17. Teancum

    Teancum Forerunner

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    Just wanted to chime in here and say that this is a must have for anyone's collection. It's great for 1-4 players.

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