
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Fragsturbait, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. Fragsturbait

    Fragsturbait Forerunner

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    This is my submission for the ForgeHub 2v2 Dust Up. Annex is a small asymmetrical map designed for (duh) 2v2, but supporting up to 4v4 and 6FFA. That doesn't mean it will play well with that many people, but the option is there for those that want it. While I've started a few that never got off the ground, this is the first asymmetrical map I've seen through to completion, and the first 2v2 I've ever started or finished. It supports both FFA and team gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, and CTF.

    2v2 ANNEX movie.wmv - YouTube





    1) The Rocket launcher in the basement (One clip, 2 rounds) [two minute respawn]
    2) The Sniper in the doorway near the outer ramp (One clip, 4 rounds) [two minute respawn]
    3) The DMR next to the mancannon (2 clips, 28 rounds) [one minute respawn]
    4) The Shotgun at the top of the map overlooking the main area (One clip, 6 rounds) [two minute respawn]
    5) The Needler at the corner of the outer ramp. (Two clips, 44 rounds) [one minute respawn]
    7)The Carbine on a ledge overlooking the entrance to G2 and the top of the map. (Two clips, 32 rounds) [one minute respawn]
    8)Plasma Pistol on the backside ramp to the top of the map. (default settings) [one minute respawn]
    6) Single Frags and Plasmas around the map

    As always, any feedback is greatly appreciated.
    #1 Fragsturbait, Feb 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2013
  2. TMR Legend

    TMR Legend Promethean

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    Simple yet effective. Honestly.... I can see it more as a 4 vs 4 but thats just me. Little z-fighting but that's tbe. Over all... 8/10 good job. Good luck in the 2 vs 2.
  3. muflapjackie

    muflapjackie Promethean

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    Yeah, I like the top view of this map. It looks like you did some hard work on making this map balanced. I also like how you didn't put too many power weapons, yet just enough to keep it interesting.
  4. Fragsturbait

    Fragsturbait Forerunner

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    File Share is live, direct download link added to top of original post.

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