Hey guys! Thanks for havin' me! Let me start off with a quick introduction. I'm a OG Halo guy who took a break from Halo multiplayer after Halo 2. (I did play some 3 and Reach but It never felt as good to me) I then went on to focus on CoD MW through MW3... yeah BO2 killed it for me; it's simply a broken mess and more than tired. So I decided to pick up Halo 4 and after half-an-hour getting used to the weapons and movement... and adjusting to the different mindset (more chess than CoD's checkers)... i was in love all over again! Long story short... I'm in a very large clan of adult (over 30) gamers and barely ANYONE plays Halo (maybe 8 people tops!)... let alone does anything in Forge. So, I've sought out a community that will help me learn some tricks in forge all the while allowing me to make some new friends who are just as Halo minded as I am. Please feel free to shoot me a friend request! Id love to check out some of your maps' and also just play some multiplayer with a group. -Gun
Ribbit. Welcome to Frog Hub. Nice to see some more mature faces around here, some people can be really childish. I'm also totally gonna get flak for saying that now.
Haha oh don't fret... i'm 29 but can sometimes act 9... but that's usually during clan social matches on Friday after/during a 6 pack of craft brews lol. Thanks for the warm welcome!
@ Sky: Sounds like i'll get along great with ya lol... custom game party, everytime we die we take a shot of beer! Ok, maybe not... i die way too much ;P @ Faulkzor: Hah yeah i see you were a member before, eh? Sneaky Both you guys, hit me up with a FR if you'd like and show me some of this advance forging i'm missing out on haha