Unearthed Created by Murfthesmurf Map Description This is my first map post on Forgehub! Unearthed is an ancient structure that was recently uncovered during a mining operation. It has a doughnut shape with four walkways to a center structure. Weapons sticky detonator 180 top middle sword 180 yellow Railgun 180 green powerup (could be overshield, damage boost or speed boost) bottom middle Overhead view Middle more pictures Spoiler Red Blue Green Yellow Lift Grenade spawn I used ordinance for the weapons so they could be easy to find when first playing the map. The powerups all have an equal chance of appearing bottom mid. I designed Unearthed for free for all but It still seems to play well in a team setting. Thanks for feedback!
Nope, his pictures are definitely broken. Try using tinypic? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Nope, his pictures are definitely broken. Try using tinypic, image shack.
I can see the images. That being said, I must say, this is an impressive map for someone so new here. I have a few issues with it just from the images, but they are latgely universal issues I have with arena maps. Excellent work, Murf. Also, why is it called 'unearthed'? There isn't any soil here. lol.
I had to fix the pictures. I called it Unearthed because it was "unearthed" through the mining operation. There isn't any soil but I felt like it fit the map.
Nice job but in your green base pic the 3x3's that are used as the top floor arent lined up, they are off by like .2 or .3, look close at the pic for green and you shall see, personally i dont like erosion for forging but thats just me, Map doesnt look too bad tho