The analog sticks throw precision out the window, the entire thing is awkward to hold, the triggers feel wobbly, the stick is located in a place that has you stretching your thumb halfway across the controller at all times. The entire controller layout is a huge deal, because a bad layout makes a player's movement jumpy, imprecise, awkward, and annoying.
Sorry, I should have elaborated a little. I meant that I don't understand why/how people can hate a controller and by extension, the system, I knew people who avoided the 360 because the controller was "weird" to them, when they could have easily just bought a different type of controller to use. Main reason I ask is because I never have had a problem with any controller, nor do I like any controller better than the other. It just confuses me, why avoid the console for something that can be fixed, rather than avoiding it for something like needing an xboxlive subscription to play online or other things that cannot be changed.
Well, I don't know who avoids a console just because they dislike the controller, but the reasons for hating a controller were spelled out by loscocco and I. I mean, most people just stick with what came with the console (which is usually 1 or 2 controllers). Custom controllers could be expensive, and even if they aren't its still work to get something different when all that work could have been avoided if the default controllers were good.
I don't hate the ps3 because of the controller, I just plain and simply hate the controller. I can ignore most of the reasons but the only issue that is really a deal breaker is Aka the left analog in center of controller(You would think symmetry is better but you don't use the analogs for same reasons) As you say you grew up with it so it feels natural to you, But try to see it from other perspectives, Some people grew up with the xbox controllers find Ps3 ones uncomfortable. I personally had a ps2 but after using Xbox my brain subconsciously converted into finding the xbox one more comfortable. As pac said, it takes extra work, I didn't know you could get custom ps3 controllers to look like a xbox one so I didn't think "Xbox subscription>Customizing a controller" I just thought "Xbox controller>Ps3 controller" even if i new you could customize a controller its still extra work time and money (which is not a point in its favor if I was deciding to get ps3)
I suppose what you've said makes enough sense to grasp your point of view. Perhaps my sense of discomfort is different, because the only thing I own that is uncomfortable to hold is my 3ds xl, the sunovabitch feels like the sides are cutting into your hands when you hold it. Compared to that, every difference between the xbox and dualshock controllers is negligible (in my opinion, simce you guys don't really like the dualshock, I suppose you might feel differently about it).
Lol at everyone complaining about paying for xbox live. It's $60 a YEAR. A FREAKIN' YEAR. Seriously, go mow some lawns and wash a few cars, you'll easily amount to that much in a few hours if you don't have a job. And it's not an empty price, you get what you pay for. Coming from someone who's owned a PS2 and PS3 his whole life alongside his xbox and xbox 360 (and every nintendo console created since I was born) I consider myself an extremely well rounded gamer. That being said, I have no reason to complain about paying for XBL because it really is a better experience than PSN console specs aside. The xbox dashboard has seen several evolutions (change is a great thing) and hints at many more to come, xbox isn't just a gaming console, its an entertainment console. A quick glance at the dashboard speaks testaments to that. The same can't be said for PSN, who's lacking heavily in that regard (both in the UI department and just overall content). Plus, looking at the absolutely horrid PS4 announcement who knows how well it's going to do this time. After all console gaming is a dying fad, and the numbers show that well. I'm willing to bet Microsoft does leagues better at the Xbox presentation than Sony's joke of a show. I'm not hating, again, I have a PS3/PS2 w/ many childhood memories of. But Microsoft seems to be stealing the show this generation. The Wii U isn't even worth mentioning, the sales and game selection on that piece of hardware currently is pathetic, and its just an awkward gaming experience to be honest. It'll probably be the first nintendo console I'll pass up on in my whole life. But back on topic, take my word. If you guys can only afford to buy one console, go with the xbox. It's worth the money, and no doubt will be more successful in the long run, you heard it from Multi first. Plus, you don't see XBL getting hacked by a group of 13 year old asians and going down for 2 months ahahah
I hope that the PS4 doesn't get hacked every other day like the PS3, also does anyone know if the new Bungie game, Destiny is going to be for the Xbox 720 and the PS4 or only the PS4?
First of all, never assume any amount of money is not that much money to other people. You don't know others financial situations and just saying "get a job" does not justify the statement. Some changes yes, others not so much. I get that its an entertainment console, and I'm all for music, video, and apps tabs. The problem is in the "official" ads that are in every single tab and the ads based on stuff I own. I don't control them, I can't remove them. My 60 bucks should remove the ads. If someone has silver then they should get ads because that would support the business model. The "recommendation" ads that appear in every section just take up space that could have went to more customization. They added pins but it defeats the purpose if the pins do not go right on the dashboard but instead get put into a submenu that get ordered horizontally. On the flipside PSN gets free full games and free multiplayer. The free multiplayer is a pretty big plus side for PSN since it is kinda unethical to double charge people. Paying for the game that has multiplayer in it, and then paying for the right to play that multiplayer. Slightly dipping in overall sales and "dying" are pretty far apart. The dipping was to be expected with the end of a long console generation. The Wii U isn't selling all that well in the US due to bad marketing, not because console gaming is dying. Ouya preorders are through the roof which shows there is still a lot of interest in new consoles. It wasn't 13 year old asians, and the classic comeback to that is at least Playstation hardware doesn't die months after buying it. (That comeback isn't as effective anymore since the xbox 360s and refurbished consoles with newer chipsets came out)
It isnt the cost that is the real problem, as you said, most people can get that money to pay for it somewhere. It is the principle of making people pay anything in order to access part of something they have paid for, let alone the fact you are already paying for your internet, unless you don't actually have a job. Take a look at every other console with online capabilities, none of them do you have to pay anything to use those services. Hell, even the wii has free online, and that console is a joke. (my apologies to any fans of the wii) The online on the 360 is no better than on any other platform/console, so why does it deserve to be paid for? I do agree that the Wii U is in an awkward place right now, amd I figured it would once sony or microsoft made their move. However, I fail to see how Microsoft is "stealing the show" this year when they have revealed nothing other than that projector periferal for the 360. Last thing, barring Gears of War and Halo, the 360 has no good exclusive titles. PS3 (the whole playstation family for that matter) has many. Same with the Wii U, but frankly, the Wii U isn't strong enough to really compete with the PS4 and Xbox (720?). If you want further proof, I can likely find lists of the exclusive games for each of the consoles. So, sorry if I sound like I'm attacking you or your opinion, but that post just came off as very biased towards microsoft.
I would like to see these numbers. Are they cohesive with the rapid growth of our global population and number of drunken midgets? Exhibit A I think not.
someone's let sleazy grandma into the jersey side of google images that's right DMC, I went old school