Map: Derangment Map:Link Gametype: Link recommended Desciption: Derangment is my first "real" competitive map that is very balanced and almost perfectly symmetric. This map is compatible with all gametypes but the weak gametypes would probly be CTF, Assualt, and Infection, but they are still fun. There are many ways to get to each side. On each side and in the middle there are some helpful items to your road to victory. But the strong point that every one will be fighting will be the middle which holds a Rocket Launcher and a Shotgun which will be vital to your success. The Overshield may seem impossible to get to (see pic below) but the only way to get up there is a support weapon or the grav-lifts that spawn next to the overshield. This is the my first map where the timed intervals I set really shine: The bridge comes in 60 seconds into the game so the combat is directed for the shotgun and the Oversheild, although you can use a gravlift to jump up there for a quick headstart to the Rockets. Two walls come into play at 60 secs because there is a fence doors in the ally that people can shoot through so its a good idea to have an extra exit for close escapes then the wall spawns When the sheild door inside the fence door spawns. Theres also a sheild door near the overshield that spawns 45 secs in and once that happens there is a slot that a well placed gernade can go through to kill any "taunters" that might be waiting on the other side. There's also two little bridges that spawn near the middle that can be a good hill or territory capure point. Weapons: 6 Assualt Rifles- 0 clips and 10 sec spawns 10 Battle Rifles- 3 clips and 20 sec spawns 1 Shotgun- 1 clip and 30 sec spawns 12 SMGs- 1 clip and 10 sec spawns 8 spikers- 1 clip and 20 sec spawns 2 plasma pistols- 30 sec spawns 6 plasma rifles- 20 sec spawns and 45 sec spawns 1 needler- 2 clips and 30 sec spawns 1 brute shot- 2 clips and 45 sec spawns 3 carbines- 1 clip and 2 have 20 sec respawns and 1 has 45 sec respawn 1 Rocket Launcher- 1 clip and 60 sec respawns Overshield- 60 sec 2 grav lifts- 60 secs 1 bubble shield-60 sec Overview 1 Overview 2 Red team flag/bomb Blue team flag/bomb Bubble Shield side The Strong point Overshield side thank you for reading...I was going to have combat pics but i already passed it since i've played many games.
Judging from the description, I'd assume that it was tested several times and tweaked several times to get it working right. That's just a guess, though. This map looks interesting, I wish I could download it and check it out. Also, pic descriptions above the pics, I love it!
Re: Derangment (Competive symetrical map) and if you try it and you find any flaws plz tell me...although i think that will be rare
yah actually there only one wall i can see that is slanted...thats only because the wall was in the way and couldn't make it straight
Looks nice... and a little bit different than what my map and a lot of others do with foundry... Queued
This looks like a really fun CTF map. However the only thing that really stands out to me immediatly that I think would need change is the amount of Battle Rifles. In instances of 5v5 each team member could have a BR which would turn the game into a long range firefight. To avoid this I would at least reduce it to 3 on each side and maybe one centrally located. I always hate when I'm about to score the flag and get killed by someone with a BR from across the map. Other than that this map gets my download. Well done.