Avalanche Game/Map Type. Suggestions Please.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Sacred x War, May 24, 2008.


What do you think of my Gametype Idea? Vote 1-5 with 5 being the best.

  1. 1 - Poor

    0 vote(s)
  2. 2 - Okay

    0 vote(s)
  3. 3 - Good

  4. 4 - Great

  5. 5 - The greatest class gametype idea yet!

  1. Sacred x War

    Sacred x War Ancient
    Senior Member

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    NEW! - Character Class Gametype/Map Ideas

    Well, I have seen some maps where there are character classes to choose from in the causal gaming section of forge hub, and I would like to improve upon their idea, and create my own fully working 'Classes Map'.

    - Creation of map in progress.

    Avalanche Class Concept

    Image of Concept Design (Its Very Rough)

    Just a general layout of the map. The bases will be very detailed and the map will become very playable/enjoyable.


    (Thought 1)​

    There is a series make a series of 12 un-escapeable areas, with 6 for each team. The character spawn areas are large enough to accomodate enough walking space and; 1 starting point, 1 sender node, 1 primary weapon, 1 secondary weapon, 1 equipment, a special grenade set.

    Each person has a random class chosen for them at the start of the round. There will be one round for slayer gametype and three scores for CTF to make for a better gameplay. Each person has 20-30 seconds to get their class before falling fusion coils destroy them (?)

    There will be one spawn points located within each of the Character Choice Stations if a player should die. If the weapon sets aren't there when they spawn. They can go through the teleporter where their base is. An accomodation will be made for battle rifle spawns as well as 4 fragmentation grenades.

    (Thought 2)

    Instead of 12 un-escapeable boxes, there are four spawn areas. Each of the areas with the four seperate classes located in the below post. There aren't any accomodations, however the respawn time is short for the weapons. So short that a teammate nearby will not have time to pick up a fallen comrades weapon before it spawns back into the Character Choice areas. This way, there will be any easy way to change out weapons with teammates. (Need help with this)

    Classes Ideas (4)

    Assault - Equipment: 2 frag grenades, 1 power drain


    Defense - Equipment: 2 spike grenades, 1 bubble shield



    Scout - Equipment: 2 plasma grenades, 1 deployable cover



    Heavy Weapons - Equipment: 2 frag grenades, 2 plasma grenades, 2 spike grenades, 1 trip mine


    ( ^--- Not sure where this will be located yet) ​

    General Description

    Map: Avalanche

    Gametypes Supported:

    - 2 Flag
    - 1 Flag
    - Neutural Assault
    - (Making a bomb plant search and destroy map varient as well)

    Vehicles (Snow)

    (2) Snow Warthogs


    (2) Snow Hornets


    (4) Snow Mongeese


    Thoughts?? Suggestions??

    I am thinking about this map constantly and I will edit in anything new as it comes to me.
    #1 Sacred x War, May 24, 2008
    Last edited: May 25, 2008
  2. Lucifer just

    Lucifer just Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a great idea; I'll have to check it out
  3. Killamanjaro123

    Killamanjaro123 Ancient
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    make it so when they spawn they have high gravity and can pick up weapons, and when the weapon pick up time is up the gravity gets lower so they can get out of the weapon area, but they can't take weapons from fallen comrads
  4. Sacred x War

    Sacred x War Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Would you care to tell me how that'll work? I don't Think changing gravity, or not picking up a teamates weapons is possible?

    Unless for the picking up weapons part, we make the spawn times for the weapons like 20 seconds, so when the people die, the weapons spawn back into the Klass Kreation choices quickly.

    EDIT FOR THE MAP: It is now being created on Avalanche. It seemed a better location for this gametype. We also might be creating a foundry version of this.
  5. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just so you know this isnt really new.
    Both the "halo rpg" and aspers final level maps both have a class choosing system.
    Not to say your map wont be good but dont rely on the "klass system" to get downloads.
    And you can set it so people ahve different traits when they spawn that wear off,thats what killamanjara was talking about.
    As ive said if you cant quite get your system working look at final level in the features section

    By making a slight alteration you could make an interesting map that isnt littere dwith weapons you cant pick up :)
    #5 Supa Midget, May 25, 2008
    Last edited: May 25, 2008
  6. Sacred x War

    Sacred x War Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am currently figuring out how to do the suggested things. I am sorry about that. As I said earlier in the post, I'm making the Class system better than other maps. Or at least striving for that.

    Thanks for the suggestions.
  7. Beettaaa

    Beettaaa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This seems like a really good idea.
    I've wanted to do something like this also, mind if I help?
  8. Sacred x War

    Sacred x War Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Beettaaa, Please send a friend request one Xbox Live to - Sacred x War
    along with - Jucifer just. We would be glad to have help with this large project.

    I don't know if I'll be on tonight, but I think lucifer will be if you want to forge with him. Tell him to send me a message on forge hub if he dosn't belive I gave you permission.


    Any suggestions for the map though?
  9. Beettaaa

    Beettaaa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm not so good with suggestions if I'm not actually in the game.

    I'll be online soon, after I finish something in SSB:Brawl
    Can't wait to help out!
  10. Sacred x War

    Sacred x War Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright, just put this through to Lucifer just. He's My forging partner. Mabye if we like you enough you can create more maps with us.

    By the way.. do you know all of the forging techniques including geo-glitching?

    Cause that would be helpful for making a map with us.
  11. Beettaaa

    Beettaaa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I know how to do all the techniques.

    I'm not very good with geo-merging though.
  12. Sacred x War

    Sacred x War Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haha. Same here. I was hoping you could teach us to get it right every time. But I guess we'll have to all learn it.

    It's going to be used a lot in the new map.
  13. Beettaaa

    Beettaaa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You should get on right now, so we can start working on this.

    Have you already started?
  14. Sacred x War

    Sacred x War Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, we've already started on making the base on the right side of the map (looking at the rough design picture).

    We are currently just brainstorming ideas for bases and spawn rooms. This project is expected to take a month to create.

    And I can't get on right now. Mabye later though.
  15. halosavior

    halosavior Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Perhaps you could allow players to pick their classes. Have them spawn in one closed off area with separate boxes and just have them race for their classes. It just seems kind of unfair for people to have no choice in the matter. People pick classes to help their team and if they get a sniper and sux at sniping it looks as though that team is down a man. Just sayin.
  16. Sacred x War

    Sacred x War Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That is a very true statement.

    Currently, Lucifer just and I are working on the bases and the class ideas are still in progress. I like this idea and I think we'll be using it. I'll give you credit when we post this.
  17. cambam47

    cambam47 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A better idea for the heavy weapons would be to have Spartan Laser and a Rocket instead of Missile Pod. Apart from that really good idea.
  18. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the map layout looks good the class systems would work well i think the key would be using respawn areas and starting ammo with weapons effectivley
  19. Joker Dan

    Joker Dan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    maybe you could have a floating starting spawn room for each team that has teleporters [EDIT] or corridors/vertical drops for each class. these teleporters would have a weapon holder on top of them and one of the weapons trademark of that class (maybe a bit higher if these can still be reached). then you could have a custom powerup in each class room that would activate a switch to block the teleporter. then you would have to have teleporters for each of those rooms, and if you ran out (I'd be surprised if you didn't) you could man-cannon people to designated class zones or just have a drop out zone. this could be tweaked a lot but it works in my mind. of course I haven't forged very much because my xbox broke the day after I got halo 3. if you're still working on this when i get my xbox back (hopefully before bungie day [but i doubt it]) I'd be glad to help. I assure you that things I have made previously in forge (friends' houses) have been very well-liked. I'm also ok if you think I can't forge because I have no evident credentials and in that case am ok with you using parts or all of that idea (but I'd like some kind of credit). sorry for the (very) long post. I am very interested in your idea.
    #19 Joker Dan, Jul 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2008
  20. redearth

    redearth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would make defense a sword with active camo and hammer. Stealthy hideout, and kill unsuspecting soldiers.

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