Hey guys I need a bit of help. I have a go pro hero 3 black edition, great camera good HD quality video and just fun to use. I have windows 7 64 bit version and its a good quality gaming computer been able to play crisis 3 on high graphics fine. With the footage I got from the camera I could playback the files fine, very smooth. This is very my problems start, due to a update error on windows side of things I had to reset and upgrade my computer to windows 8. so I got the update got all my programs and files re installed, but now I can't watch the go pro footage smoothly anymore. No specs have changed. what's happening? I did hear windows 8 took out playback for MP4 files which the go pro is recorded in MP4 format, but I have other programs that should be able to play it but won't. My brother also has windows 8 and it plays on his computer fine. Just I could video files fine on windows 7 but now on windows 8 its so choppy. Any ideas on how to fix it?
windows media player, I'm not much of techy kind of person but windows media player played it fine on windows 7. I've also tried Cyber link power DVD12 it also has the same problem. and I've tried windows 8 default video player. all have the same problem, I guessing I have to download an update for this to work but I have no idea on what that might be.
VideoLAN - Official page for VLC media player, the Open Source video framework! try this, it's free and supports wider controls and formats. It's often used within education. maybe also you need to check your motherboard and graphics drivers, i can't think of why else. Maybe check all of your ram is working if you have more than 1 chip.
Yeah I have used it before, I am going to download it right now and give it a try. just my internet is slow will take about 7 hours to download that 22 meg. yay for **** internet slower then dial up. -_- can't upgrade or anything, just one of the **** things you have to deal with in the country hahah
I would say go back to windows 7. I know a few people who got new computers with 8 and reverted it to 7. From what I've experienced and heard it's only useful for tablets. I also have a friend with a box of flash drives with OS images and two extra computers so he took two random drives and installed one on each computer so this might be biased.
Sad thing is if I did I wouldn't download updates for me that's why I had to upgrade. Our internet is that slow Microsoft on windows 7 couldn't even recognise there were updates to download. atm I am downloading at 325bites per second and the slowest it goes is about 125bites per second. we live in the middle of no where and the satellite equipment is ****. we can't upgrade. With windows 8 it is recognising it has to download updates so I might have to stay on it. windows 7 crashed on me cause it tried to update and it fail it applied the failed update and caused it to mess up. I could only reset it.