Just thought I would start a thread encompassing the little things you can do to help yourself in various aspects I'll start -Blood on cloth?, no worry, take an ice cube, and rub it in a circular motion, inside-out on the stain, until it goes away -The stall closest to the door of a public restroom is typically the cleanest -Most clothing have ridiculous mark ups, if you are on a tight budget, you can haggle those prices down, sometimes by half if you are good. -a USB 3.0 Flash Drive can double as virtual ram (more than 3GB can damage your computer) -placing gold or silver coins in a heat sink will improve heat dispersal -putting NiMH and Nicad batteries in the freezer vastly improves energy retention -If you don't like oxidized fruit, purchase a ceramic knife, they will last longer, as the oxidation is the metal in the knife reacting with the fruit.
This kinda goes along with the last one: Tear leaves of lettuce if you want them smaller, cutting can make them last.. shorter PS random thread is random?
my god, some of those are brilliant. The cord related ones and the dustpan in particular. I suppose I can try to contribute. If you have trouble with sneezing there is a pressure point at the cleft under your nose, if you hold your finger against it you can usually suppress the sneeze. If you have an open wound, avoid taking painkillers other than Tylenol, others will thin your blood and the wound will take longer to close. Taking too much Pepto Bismol can cause diarrhea, among other things.
Toothpaste is good at making spots go away. This is not a joke. If furniture leaves dents in carpets, put some ice into the dent and it'll puff right back up to normal. Hold the bridge of your nose rather than the nostrils of your nose is bleeding to help make it stop. Fill a bottle full of water and freeze it overnight. When you get it the next morning you can drink it throughout the day and have constantly cold water due to the ice slowly melting. It also looks ****ing awesome having an impossibly large ice cube in your bottle of water. Great for hot weather or those who do exercise. (Haha, like anyone on here does any serious exercise ) Fill a clean bottle of bleach with water to freak people out. Same goes for mayonnaise jars and yoghurt/vanilla pudding. Or ketchup and tomato soup.
If you are having issue with pressure during a flight, (stuffy nose or otherwise) here are some things that can help a) if the pressure is excessive in your ear, simply swallow to get rid of it b) if the pressure is outside your ear, pinch your nose and blow, the inner ear is connected to your throat, and will help equalize pressure (be careful not to blow too hard) only one ear having issues? simply plug the ear that does not need equalizing. [br]moar fllr[/br]