Will Halo ever return to its glory?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by The King of Hearts, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. The King of Hearts

    The King of Hearts Promethean

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    I have noticed the big differences between Halo and CoD. Halo was massive in H3 but started to go downhill after Reach because of change and then the population started to go with it. With CoD and evey game they have there has been about 500,000+ people online everyday while H4 has at its max 70,000+ people. Really what happened to Halo?

    Will it ever grasp back the old fans and bring in newer people so that it could rain superior once again? I hope that 343i will learn with each game that more and more people are leaving because of issues that they have been doing. There are huge lists everywhere online where the game seriously lacks. I havent played H4 for a few days since I feel things havent been the same but I will again soon though since I love Halo. I just hope in the next few installments that it will bring people back and that it will become number 1 once again and hold that record for years to come.

    Again 343i NEEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! to listen to the fanbase because we determine the future of a game series.
  2. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    Your comment about population is irrelevant. What a lot of people don't realise is that 343i are exceptionally honest when it comes to who is playing.

    With every other game, their population count is based on the number of unique gamertags that have signed in (that includes Matchmaking AND all other online features, such as CoD Zombies) every 24 hours - that's why the population seems to increase as you get later into the day.

    With Halo 4, they only count the number of unique gamertags signed into Matchmaking only (excluding Campaign, Spartan Ops, Forge, Custom Games, Theatre), currently - the reason why the population constantly fluctuates and the reason why there are 'so few' online compared to other games.

    I hope I've made sense.
  3. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    After Halo 3, Halo began to include elements it shouldn't. Halo was always a quake-style shooter in my eyes. Now with sprint, perks, and everything else, it's a Call of Duty.
  4. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is one of the few instances I fully agree with Bloo.
  5. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is correct, but the population has still decreased massively since Halo 3.
  6. The King of Hearts

    The King of Hearts Promethean

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    Well you have a point but honestly I would like to see where Halo 4 stand right now as of population, maybe they might make something that shows the amount of people playing on each thing, like the campaign, forge, customs, MM and Theater.
  7. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I know COD people who bought Blops 2 and haven't played the campaign... rarely (or at least more rarely) does that happen with Halo people... People will buy COD just for one aspect of it, Halo is good, but it's not really "good" like COD, or as most people believe it to be.

    Point is: Halo is the minority, and Halo has to find its own path or go back to that path because as is it's attempting to be like others... and that's just boring.


    Also, return to its "glory." Forreal?
  8. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    The original Halo... I don't think much has changed really. It just has got more in depth and competitive.



    I just think people are getting tired of playing Halo really.
    #8 Fenix Hulk, Feb 22, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2013
  9. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    No one can predict the future. To many factors to just say well if 343i make a good game it will revive the series. Honestly I don't think it will come back, Microsoft is forcing Halo games to be milked dry, Bungie was forced to make Halo 3,ODST,Reach and Bungie still managed to make them good interesting new innovative games(while also working on destiny)

    343i choose to be and wanted to be forced to make Halo games and with Halo 4 been horrible imo and Reach been ruined by 343i. (There results from wanting to do something is worse then Bungie been forced into doing something.) And now 343i will be forced to make more Halo games.

    343i have read all complaints about Reach/Halo 4 but they either don't think those issues are issues (defining arrogant) or They don't know how to fix those issues (defining ignorant).

    If you want Halo to be more alive host tournaments or custom game lobbies (as long as 343i doesn't make that ANY harder to do) and make it alive, Bringing attention to how dead Halo is, Makes it more dead. This thread is contributing Halos death(by a tiny amount), Just like showing low population levels contributes to its death if people think its low population they might not play making the population lower and goes in a circle(which is why Bungie made the population show over 24hours to give illusion of more players to actually give more players incentive to play which makes population even bigger in a positive circle)
  10. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    While you're likely right, this isn't the case for me. I would pay any amount of money for a Halo where people spawn evenly across the board, and I would play the **** out of it. That's all I want honestly, I don't care what else changes.
    #10 cluckinho, Feb 22, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2013
  11. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    so forge is fine then? :S
  12. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You argue my case with that, lol. How many CoD'ers play CoD over Halo for that reason? They play CoD for the realism and the fact that they can sit and camp and not try hard to earn a kill. CoD takes much less skill to kill another player and halo is all about surviving firefights even when someone unloads on you with automatic weapons and yet you have enough health to evade fire, flank the enemy, and kill him.

    Halo promotes movement and skill.

    CoD promotes easy kills and camping.

    Too many kids are made up of the console community and the less skill required the more attracted to a game they become.

    That's your problem right there and I really support the way Halo is now and always has been. Let the kiddie's go play CoD, who cares.
    #12 Fenix Hulk, Feb 23, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2013
  13. Raw 2 Dawg 2

    Raw 2 Dawg 2 Promethean

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    Seems like the discussion here is one of the many Halo nostalgia threads that appear on every forum. I've played all the Halo games. I've played CoD. Battlefield and all the other big names. Halo 4 isn't a new formula or this grand departure from the gameplay of its previous titles. Cod gets kills faster, Halo jumps higher and takes more time to kill. It still feels like Halo and its still fun to play. Think about what you would take away to get from Halo 4 back to Halo 2 or 3. Players would have gone balls to the walls crazy. Just imagine. What we have as Halo 4 came first and it's all you knew and what you've adapted to. Then the next game come out and they say, "Oh we got rid of AA and load outs and armor customization and ordinance and tactical packages." What's that? Just removed them on a couple playlists. "No, they just don't exist anymore. We don't want players to have those choices." I guarantee the backlash would be much more severe than the vocal minority who remember Halo from basically a different gaming era and say it lost its way.

    As for online MP in general. It's really all the same with FPS. If you want to dive into the unique and fresh you need to have played stuff like assassins creed brotherhood MP, or spies vs Merc Splinter Cell Chaos theory, or Brothers in Arms Earned in Blood.
  14. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    To be honest, I'd rather have that than a better forge. I'd prefer to have the Halo that centered itself around concepts like absolute equality/symmetry, the more skilled man wins, anti-randomness, etc... I mean, what's the point of forging (outside of minigames/casual maps) if the game isn't good enough?

    Even if having that kind of Halo again meant leaving Forge butchered, or even not including it at all for some arcane reason, I would rather it be that way, personally.

    I would personally like to see, just as an experiment, how well a new Halo would do if it played almost identical to Halo 3, but had all of the bonuses like a new Forge, new custom game options, etc...
  15. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    This would be awesome. Forging in Halo 3 was only for masters since you had to do geomerging and all that. I would love to see a flood map with proper loadouts, timed events and cool stuff from Halo 3(Firebombs, flamethrowers, maulers awww yeah)

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