
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by leegeorgeton, Feb 8, 2013.

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  1. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    #1 leegeorgeton, Feb 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2013
  2. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    The Schematics say "Interchange" as their titles, but you named it Intersection, Just saying.

    Otherwise, it looks like a sweet looking map, nice to see a map large enough for Warthog travel and combat!
  3. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Aesthetically, great. I like your use of the natural background on Impact.

    Concerns: Bases' entrances are all from one side (can be camped from the back) and all traffic is forced together at the very middle, which is a warning sign of strong Meltdown syndrome (think the incineration cannon bottom mid and limited vehicle movement options).

    A good improvement over Checkered.
  4. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    This looks pretty interesting and perhaps a lot of fun. I hope to get a game on this. My only complaint is all the lines (texture) are overpowering and blinding to really see and understand the geometry.
  5. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
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    This map looks very well design and is very solid, I did notice though there seems to be a couple LOS that may be a bit meh, but other than that it look ok. And its SYMMETRICAL!
  6. unrivaled20

    unrivaled20 Promethean

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    Overpowered gauss aside this is probably my favorite map to play capture the flag on
  7. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    This map is a lot of fun. From the 4v4s I've played I can say the action is actually pretty well spread out, although I can't speak for larger sided games. The middle does see plenty of action but the covered/side routes see a lot of travel too. I would still consider putting a teleporter or something in those side rooms made out of triple rooms (I forget the name of the piece) since they are kind of a dead end as I mentioned before.
  8. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    Thanks for the feedback. From the games played so far, the bases haven't seemed campable. If anything they're more like a spot to corner the defenders. It seems like they might only have one direction to protect against, but it actually ends up being a lot more. There's the large, main entry, the two coming from the sides, and then there's the top. You can actually jump from the adjacent building's elevated sidewalk right on to the top level of the base, near the flag stand. If someone tries to simply camp at the back of the base, then the attackers will simply grab the flag from the top and be on their way.

    As for the main intersection area, so far there seems to be enough room both in area and in height to skirt past combat when desired. The skirmishes really do move well from one place to another so that the entire map is in relatively constant use.

    It's funny you should mention my other map, Checkered. When I started making Checkered, the map I had in mind was what Interchange turned out to be. I just started placing the 4x4 blocks to see the sizing that would be required for an infinite loop map, then began liking the way it was looking at the smaller scale of Checkered. Because it was so small, I expanded the infinite loop to make the more checkered layout. I still like Checkered. It just seems like it would've worked better in Reach-type gameplay without the standard sprint and personal ordnance of Halo 4.
    #8 leegeorgeton, Feb 10, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2013
  9. 00DirtyMick00

    00DirtyMick00 Promethean

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    this might be the best looking halo 4 forge map ive seen so far, i can't forge in halo 4, ive tried time and time again but whenever i try most of the pieces are textured so similarly that the map turns out looking like a white blob with black lines running through the whole thing. Interchange, however, has done the best job of using different textures for different parts, the main street shot with those tunnel pillars reads so well in comparison to the surroundings. I just love the way you used the textures to differentiate the walls from the floors and everything else, each section feels different, but themed, it's great. For a halo 4 map, great job :)
  10. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    This is a sweet map, so fun for playing CTF on. The gauss hogs are surprisingly not that overpowered - you can still have some sick runs with them, but you can also lose them before firing a shot thanks to the narrow streets, overhead infantry paths, and plentiful cover (not to mention loadouts with plasma pistols and sticky 'nades in them). I've been really enjoying playing this.
  11. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    Extraction Input Request

    I'm putting the final touches on Interchange and would like some input from players who like and play Extraction often.



    I recently play-tested Extraction on Interchange and it was pretty unanimously found to be a bit boring, especially compared to CTF. While I pretty much enjoy almost any game, even our Extraction playtest on this map, I have to agree that it was relatively boring.

    I've set up Extraction on this map as I have on all my other Halo 4 maps. The first Extraction point is in the map center. Each subsequent point is located in the same area on either side of the map, meaning that I'll choose the red base then the Blue base, then a particular area on the red side, then that same area on the blue side. I do this in order to get people moving across the map from one point to the next. I'm pretty sure this makes sense and is the correct way to go about Extraction point placement.

    My question is about the gametype itself. By default, two points are open at once. This seems to split the amount of players going after any one point, making it easier to capture and steal points, possibly too easy. I've also played Extraction where only one point is open at any one tie. In these games, it can feel impossible to capture and steal points because all the players are focused on that point. Does matchmaking only do the default method? Which method is better? Does one method work with certain types of maps while the other methods works on another type of map? Any pointers from some of you Extraction lovers and experts?

    I have decided to change on thing from the plans shown above. I'll still go in order from one side to the other between subsequent Extraction points, but Instead of moving from one base to the other base, then from a building on the red side to the same building on the blue side, I'm going to make it so you move to a different area on the opposite side. It'll be more like map center to Red base to Blue building to Yellow base (on red side) to Blue base to Red building to Green base (on blue side). I'm hoping this will make it so people don't have to battle for the same sort of area twice in a row and lead to less boredom. While I think it will work, I'm not positive it will be enough to counter players feeling that the game is a little boring. Any thoughts about this?

    Here's some Extraction gameplay. Thanks to Fenix Hulk for the vid.
    Interchange Extraction - YouTube
    #11 leegeorgeton, Feb 17, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2013
  12. Ryu Radusee

    Ryu Radusee Forerunner

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    all the points are too easy to defend you need some that are much harder to defend. id move A & B to the actual centers of the map C & D to the first corner on the right side of the bases and then change the spawn sequence so that you dont attack the same place twice in a row but still keep it where it can be somewhat neutral
  13. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    from the video the map looks really good. looking forward to it.
  14. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I played this map along time ago. But even now, I can still remember the exact layout. That's a good thing. It is a mirrored shape but it's a much more unique design than just a 'map in a box.' Definitely one of the funner CTF maps out there. Excellent work on this BTB Map Lee.
  15. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    Thanks, I was hoping to make the layout one that easily sticks in people's minds so they could play effectively on the map without having to have played on the map a ton of times.

    The map is now finished and has a thread in the Standard Maps section.

    Click here to see the finished Interchange ForgeHub thread
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