New Haven

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Eternul, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Eternul

    Eternul Promethean

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    Hello ladies and gents, back again with an improved version of Haven. I took v2 Haven from Team Throwdown and fixed some spawning issues and added jumps to help with map flow.

    Weapon changes:
    Replaced railgun with overshield
    Moved sniper top middle

    Haven is arguably the best map we have, but it can get bland. Reasons being spawning and map flow. After playing a good 20 matches in Throwdown I found only about 1/3 of the spawns were being used, and some that were were poorly located.

    I went in and added respawn zones and spawn points. Now, each team spawns on their own side. Red red and blue blue. With this you can now predict where the other team is spawning instead of Haven just being one big Harlem shake.

    Another issue with Haven is long sprint distances in order to get to an advantage point. Mainly elbow and bottom straights. What I did was add two lifts bottom elbow lifting up to top center. Now, Instead of taking 5 seconds to run around and up bridge you can lift straight up to top center. (Plus bridge is a nade death trap). In addition to those I incorporated a shortcut jump from bottom straights leading up to top middle. Bringing back the sneaky beaver.

    To download go to my fileshare: Eternul
    #1 Eternul, Feb 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2013
  2. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Uh oh. Static spawns on Haven Slayer? Are you sure there's no spawn-trapping possible?

    Sniper at top middle plus those two lifts also seems like it would overcrowd top mid with players.. A closed ramp / bottom mid / open ramp power weapon setup is probably best..
  3. Eternul

    Eternul Promethean

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    I see what you mean, tho, top center is the main map advantage point yes? Spawning spreads players out but If a team is good enough to overpower another or a team just isnt good, then yes spawn trapping is possible.

    Pertaining to map flow, With overshield being near closed ramp thats going to attract a lot of activity evening the playingfield. Elbow is now used mainly as a flank such as in H3s guardian so if any team hastop center control you would want to keep that checked.
    #3 Eternul, Feb 21, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2013

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